What's on your bucket list?

funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member


  • ZannahDia
    ZannahDia Posts: 65
    1- Visit all 7 countries.
    2- Live in a mansion.
    3- Have a BIG family.
    4- Visit the Underwater Hotel in Figi.
    5- Record a CD.
    6- Become a well known photographer.
    7- Laugh lots.
    8- Change at least 1 person's life.
    9- Donate $100,000 to 5 charities.

    Thats all I can think of right now xD
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    WOOOO.... someone has thought about their list....

    um... i was thinking...

    1) pay for my daughters college (she is 2 now so i have time to save)
    2) go to the Ocean (sadily enough i have never been)
    3) wear a bikini confidently :blushing:
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    whats on ur list??
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    I think I'd really just like to know I made a difference in somebody's life. Corny I know, but that's pretty much it, have a family, love my kids, and know that when I die there will be somebody who says "If it weren't for her I'd be.......... instead of............."
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Go on holiday alone.
    Learn Spanish
    Learn to ride a bike
    Live outside the UK
    See the ball drop in Times Square on NYE
    Ice Skate at 30 Rock
    Run a marathon
    Go to the races
    Learn to surf
    Practice yoga
    Drive from coast to coast across the USA
    Blag my way into a VIP party
    Ride a camel through the desert
    Ride an elephant
    Get married
    Have children
    Celebrate the 4th of July in Washington DC
    Visit Australia
    Visit a rainforest
    Start my own business
    Meet Ketut Liyer
    Be in the audience of Saturday Night Live
    See all the wonders of the World
    Romantic getaway
    Fly first class
    Go on a meditation/yoga retreat
    Build my own home
    Be an extra in a movie
    Go on a trip with no predetermined destination
    Drive along Rote 66 and sing the song
    Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
    Bungee Jump
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I think I'd really just like to know I made a difference in somebody's life. Corny I know, but that's pretty much it, have a family, love my kids, and know that when I die there will be somebody who says "If it weren't for her I'd be.......... instead of............."

    I love that - it'd be nice to know before we were dead though :indifferent:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    4- Visit the Underwater Hotel in Figi.

    that ones going on mine :)
  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    Boring Stuff:
    Get a nice car - Done :)
    Graduate with a First - Done :)
    >Get a good job- Done :)
    Buy a nice house
    Be comfortable financially
    Get married
    Have 1/2 children

    Fun stuff:
    Go vegas- Done :)
    Get Thailand- Done :)
    Go Japan
    Go Maldives
    Go to Florida- Done :)
    Go back to vegas
    Go Bora Bora (after I'm being financially comfortable lol)
    Drive across America
    Sky dive
    Learn a language
    Get a tattoo- Done :)
    Move abroad
    Re-learn (better!) the piano
    See my little brother who ive never met

    I'm sure i will make i few more up along the next lifetime!!! :) but none will ever be too do with my weight!
  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96

    Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

    The bloke i work with is climbing it mid July!!!! I will let you know how it is lol!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member

    Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

    The bloke i work with is climbing it mid July!!!! I will let you know how it is lol!

    Wow! That's amazing!

    I originally wrote Everest, then burst out laughing to myself and changed it to Kilimanjaro :laugh:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Be out of debt............ugh. :indifferent:
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    ok this is mine for now..

    1. Graduate uni
    2. Land a job at Great Ormond Street Hospital
    3. Shave my head for charity
    4. Go on a tour of Australia and New Zealand
    5. Adopt or Foster some children
    6. raise £1000 in one charity event
    7. Run a marathon
  • MLouis1
    MLouis1 Posts: 108 Member
    1. Go to Greece
    2. Finish the book I started writing/ try to get it published.

    Those are the two things I always think about when I see "bucket" list!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    - wear a bikini confidently
    - sky diving
    - bungee jumping
    - buy a pair of ridiculously expensive jeans (like, 200+ dollars) to show off my nice butt that i WILL have one day!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Run a 5K preferably by or on my 60th birthday.
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    - Go swimming with Great White Sharks

    - Lose enough weight to fit on ALL the amusement park rides without feeling self conscious or uncomfortable

    - Visit a far away country like Scotland or Ireland

    - Find a career I both enjoy and excel at

    - Finally and fully organize my house AND keep it up

    ... there's more, I'm just pretty brain dead today LOL
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    -Pay off our house early!
    -Visit Greece
    -Mission work in a 3rd world country/build homes
    -Go to a live SNL filming :)
    -Visit Autstralia
    -Visit Alaska
    -Become a nurse
    -Wear a bikini
    -Build and design our next house
    -Swim in the Zimbabwe Devils Pool at Victoria Waterfall!
    -Run for public office

    That's about it, for now :happy:
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    1) Go sky diving (Cliche I know)
    2) Giant road trip in a Winnebago out West.
    3) Go to see an Olympic Games - Either Summer or Winter
    4) Wear a bikini on a beach with confidence before I turn 30 - And hopefully for a long time after... :)
    5) Catch a fish - I have never caught one
    6) Go to Tuscany!
    7) Finish my Masters and get a big girl job
    8) Go to California for a taping of the Ellen Show
    9) Travel across the country to see the Spiral Jetty
    10) See FLW Falling Water
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Sky diving is on my list! My son and I started this journey together and we both had to lose weight to meet the weight limit for sky diving (200 lbs for women in Az. / 220 for men) I don't know why they differ, anyway, he met his goal and went skydiving, jumping at 13,000 feet! His video is posted on facebook! Watching it, I got so scared I thought about changing my goal to learning how to pilot a plane instead of jumping out of one!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    can anyone help Alice with her bucket list?
