Weight Gain Loss Cycle Need Help

spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I need help. I have been doing WW for a while and lost 89 pounds in almost a year. I was doing well for a while, then in January my exercise routine changed due to life issues. Instead of exercising my usual 5 days a week with spin most of those days and couch to five k three days. I walked most days of the week about 4 miles and did 45 minutes of spin about 4-5 days. Then this new cycle started. I would lose 3 pounds, and then a week later I would gain 5 or more. Then the next week I would lose 3 pounds of that gain, then maintain, then the next week lose the remainder and then some, This has happenned in February, March, April, and May. However at the beginning of May I started back to my routine of spin 3 days a week, with strength training two days a week and alternating cardio of running, and the arc trainer or elliptical, I usually do 90 minutes of cardio three days a week and an hour the other days. I am allotted 1530 calories, but the kicker is I am diabetic and my doctor told me to eat that amount no matter what. Well of course some days I am hungry so I eat more. my thyroid is fine. I eat some of my exercise calorie but not all. Usually I eat about 1700 calories a day a few days 1900. I just wish I could figure out the cause of this cycle. May 20th I lost 4 pounds and then the next week gained 5. This week three of those pounds have come off. But I have not been hungry really until today so I have had a net most days of less than 400.


  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I think that if you're doing that much cardio, you probably should be eating more. Are you eating a NET of 1530? Try to eat all your NET calories. When I lost weight before, I got through my plateau surprisingly by eating more!! I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, but its just a thought.
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    I should add I teach classes to a group. I am wondering that too but it is so hard to get into my head eat more lose. I have been eating more good stuff like greek yogurt etc. But today I am starving. I have never hit a net of 1530
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