New to My Fitness Pal

Rdanielle1807 Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I just wanted to say hi and see what people thought about this site? Did or is it helping you loose the weight?


  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    This is the easiest site I have found you will like it I hope
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    I joined the gym in Nov 2010 and didn't lose even 1lb from 6months of going 3 times a week! Then i started being really honest about what I ate and logging it in the MFP diary and after 4 weeks I've lost 10lbs!! I find the site very easy to use and no matter what you are searching for it usually has it stored. Even take away foods and restaurant meals at large chains for an occasional treat it usually has it stored as well.

    Good Luck :-)
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    Seeing your food diary every day keeps you in check and it makes it more obvious that exercise is the difference. I have lost weight before on diet alone but it has always come back - this time it took 11 weeks before exercise became the norm for me and I love it now. I have not lost my motivation since starting this journey in Feb 2011 and there have been only three days where I have ate a little over my daily limit - reading the success stories and getting on my bike is the key for me.
  • It has been a Blessing and the support is priceless! Good luck with your journey!
  • Shebe2011
    Shebe2011 Posts: 3
    Hello everyone!!! I'm new to My Fitness Pal also....I've done plenty of "diets" and "pills" to try to lose weight, but of course, they only worked for a temporary moment. So, now, I'm trying to get myself motivated to become healtier and lose weight. I started with MFP on 06/02/2011 and really know that tracking your food truly holds you accountable for what you are putting in your body. This is something that I've needed, but get into a place where I don't like to keep up with tracking, etc. I've lost weight before by exercising and eating right, but would fall off the wagon just as soon as I realized that I was looking good! LOL!!!! Anyhoo, I put weight back on because I "claim" to be too busy to exercise or fix healthy food. I've come to the realization that taking care of my "temple" is really important because it's the only one I have and I am tired of taking medication for my HBP, cholesterol, bad knees, and back. I have stopped putting myself after others, job, etc...and I have started doing better with trying to make time for myself. So, I'm looking for a few good friends to help me stay on track of this journey and keep the motivation going!!!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    This site is great. Just make plenty of friends on the site, There is plenty of motivation here. You really don't realize how many calories and especially sodium you eat till you log it in each day.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    This is a great site. It really opened my eyes the first few days when I began tracking what I ate (started mid-March). People here are trying all kinds of strategies for weight loss and you'll no doubt meet people who share your approach. You can also customize what you keep track of (sodium, fiber, carbs, etc) and either use MFP's recommended ratios for carbs/fat/protein, or set your own. Good luck and enjoy the community!
    TC4IOWASTATE Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I just started a 30 day challenge for myself on June 1st. I am back in control of my choices and I am down 2 lbs. I had gain three and I was really needing to get serious. It is up to me to log but I have it on my phone and my facebook and twitter. I am really trying to keep it in my focus. I have it as my home page on my internet also. It is what you make of the site but I do like this better than a few of them I have tried to use. Grandma Teresa
    :smile: :smile:
    TC4IOWASTATE Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I just started a 30 day challenge for myself on June 1st. I am back in control of my choices and I am down 2 lbs. I had gain three and I was really needing to get serious. It is up to me to log but I have it on my phone and my facebook and twitter. I am really trying to keep it in my focus. I have it as my home page on my internet also. It is what you make of the site but I do like this better than a few of them I have tried to use. Grandma Teresa
    :smile: :smile:
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