hurtful things

katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Usually overweight we have all been told hurtful things... whats the most hurtful thing that someone has told you about your weight?

Someone looked at me (a random person) and said "God i Hope your pregnant" I felt awful! Cry everytime i think, how can people be so mean!?


  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I used to get that all the time...are you pregnant??? HELL NO IM NOT PREGNANT IDIOT. What the heck kind of person is such a moron to judge like that. I know skinny people who are the most misearable people on this planet, wanting to make others feel their misery with them. Denise Austin has inspiration on her website about things like this. She calls them Diet Sabtouers (sp). When I first started losing weight my co-workers at my previous job kept bringing me hotdogs, milkshakes and nachos smothered in cheese everyday because they knew how hard I was trying. People get jealous and I dont care what they think. Do for you and tel them they have an ugly soul. You can lose weight but they cant change their problem.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Back when I was in college and going through my meeting-guys-from-online phase, I went out with an internet guy and afterwards, he sent me a random chat message saying that he didn't want to go out with me again. I replied "ok, no problem" and he added something like, "It's not because you're not fun, it's because your body type isn't what I'm looking for." I responded, "That's okay because someone who left their wife because she got cancer isn't what *I'm* looking for." (He told me that on our first date...I was definitely okay being "dumped" by him, but it was an *kitten* thing for him to tell me!)

    Actually, this was probably the least hurtful mean comment about my weight that I've gotten, because of who it was coming from. Those made by friends and family always hurt the most for me (like my cousin and sister's No Fat People Allowed Club.......).

  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    I used to get that all the time...are you pregnant??? HELL NO IM NOT PREGNANT IDIOT. What the heck kind of person is such a moron to judge like that. I know skinny people who are the most misearable people on this planet, wanting to make others feel their misery with them. Denise Austin has inspiration on her website about things like this. She calls them Diet Sabtouers (sp). When I first started losing weight my co-workers at my previous job kept bringing me hotdogs, milkshakes and nachos smothered in cheese everyday because they knew how hard I was trying. People get jealous and I dont care what they think. Do for you and tel them they have an ugly soul. You can lose weight but they cant change their problem.
    I can totally relate, the stupid things people can say, what on earth is going through their minds! I too believe that people act this way because deep down they aren't happy and thats their fault and ive been told im fat, but mean people, but as you said i can change that, they however are going to be rude, mean, and have ugly soul always! Thanks alot!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Whoa Katelyn...hope you smacked them or had a good comeback. I think I would have seen red!!! I must say I haven't had anyone be outright cruel like that and I am sorry for anyone who has experienced it. I get the usual digs from family or friends've put on a few, haven't you? etc... worst was when I decided to lose the weight and my sister-in-law very snotily said "what do you think your going to be the same weight when you were twenty". Not that I was thinking that but rather wanting to be healthy, trim, and happy. Couldn't understand why the comment and actually it has turned into my biggest motivator. I think because I expected her to be really supportive of me in the begining and it didn't happen. It sounds rather silly now but I am going to do it and I'm more than half way there.

    Turn the negative to the positive guys that's my new motto
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Back when I was in college and going through my meeting-guys-from-online phase, I went out with an internet guy and afterwards, he sent me a random chat message saying that he didn't want to go out with me again. I replied "ok, no problem" and he added something like, "It's not because you're not fun, it's because your body type isn't what I'm looking for." I responded, "That's okay because someone who left their wife because she got cancer isn't what *I'm* looking for." (He told me that on our first date...I was definitely okay being "dumped" by him, but it was an *kitten* thing for him to tell me!)

    Actually, this was probably the least hurtful mean comment about my weight that I've gotten, because of who it was coming from. Those made by friends and family always hurt the most for me (like my cousin and sister's No Fat People Allowed Club.......).


    That guy sounds like he should deff be alone! Divorice your wife cause she has CANCER! and then text you that, hes got some nerve! The "No Fat People Allowed Club" deff hurtful, especially when its sisters and clubs... Family never thinks they can hurt you its always a "Joke"... NEWSFLASH!! its more hurtful then anything else! ... thanks for sharing!!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Whoa Katelyn...hope you smacked them or had a good comeback. I think I would have seen red!!! I must say I haven't had anyone be outright cruel like that and I am sorry for anyone who has experienced it. I get the usual digs from family or friends've put on a few, haven't you? etc... worst was when I decided to lose the weight and my sister-in-law very snotily said "what do you think your going to be the same weight when you were twenty". Not that I was thinking that but rather wanting to be healthy, trim, and happy. Couldn't understand why the comment and actually it has turned into my biggest motivator. I think because I expected her to be really supportive of me in the begining and it didn't happen. It sounds rather silly now but I am going to do it and I'm more than half way there.

    Turn the negative to the positive guys that's my new motto
    Unfortunetly i didnt get to, My husband and i were in a mall wasting time before a movie, and i was looking at a shirt, this lady walked right in front of me and the product i was looking at, gave the nasty ook... said it and kept walking, i told my husband lets go, and as we started walking i was tearing up, i told him what happened(since he didnt hear) he searched the whoole store for that lady... way to ruin a good date night!

    Im sick of people just being dumb! and rude! My sisters starting working out and didnt invite me to since they said i keep trying and nothing happens anyways... wtf? like errr... i love my sisters but geeze! I have to start turning everything negative to positive!
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I was told by a guy I was on a date with that he couldn't see it going anywhere because he would be too embarrassed to introduce me to his friends/family because of my size. That hurt.

    The one that pushed me to do this the most though: a good friend's husband got horribly drunk and loudly, in front of an entire room of my co-workers, loudly stage-whispered to his wife 'I mean, look at her, she's enormous - she must be pregnant'. That was incredibly humiliating. I don't thank him for saying that - I mean he's still an arseh*** but it took my 'fat goggles' off (you know, the 'I'm just big-boned, why should I change anyway goggles) and saw what I really looked like. It wasn't pretty.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    I think I may have posted it before. Right before my ex-wife and I split up, our marriage was rocky. One of the things she said to me near the end was "I don't even want to get counseling now. You've gotten fat, and it disgusts me to even look at you. I couldn't be attracted to you even if we worked it out." Of course, she overlooked the fact that she had also gained a few pounds, and I never would have said anything so sharp-edged painful to her.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    The animosity towards overweight people in modern-day society is disgusting. We are one of the few remaining groups that it's okay to treat like trash and abusers run with it whenever they get the chance. We're often seen as something less than human--something devoid of feelings and unworthy of being treated like a person. As long as it's okay in our society to degrade fat people then the hurt will continue to fly.

    I've received many a terrible comment about my weight and how I looked. When I was a child, I was bullied in school and one of the chief insults that was thrown at me was "Fatzilla." A few years ago, I was out shopping with my older sister and she got into an altercation with another woman. Although my sister was the person that the stranger had a problem with, she wasted no time in looping me into the conflict by shouting obscenities geared towards me and making remarks about my weight (not even directly to me, mind, but in that rude way people can adopt where they talk about you while knowing you are within the proper addressing vicinity). Perhaps one of the worst injuries, before established by another poster, is one committed by a family member under the guise of a joke. While talking about my height one day (though I am in no way a giant, I have always been a little taller than my girl friends), a family member said, "Maybe you are so tall because you have extra fat in your feet." I will never understand how that could be a joke and it hurt me very severely.

    There is just no shame in the carelessness with which our sensibilities as human beings are treated.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    While I haven't had people say nasty things directly to me, I have had a couple of embarrasing and hurtful experiences. One was when I went out with a friend and her friends. At the table, one guy told the "funny" story of his friend getting so drunk one night while camping, that he f***** a fat chick...apparently it was hilarious. I wanted to disappear, and scream at him at the same time. I did neither.

    The other thing that's happened a few times is that old ladies will stop me in the street or supermarket and give me diet/exercise if I had asked. I just smile and thank them, because if I open my mouth I'll end up being just as rude as them.
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