not adding up...

I lost 2.4 pounds this week. According to MFP guidelines I was at/ slightly under calorie goals every day. I programmed to lose 1 pound per week. So either my calories burned while exercising is off (and I am actually burning more than what the computer says) or my basal metabolic rate is actually higher than what MFP calculates.

While I am so, SO happy with a 2.4 pound loss I just want to make sure that I am not setting myself up for long term failure. So- should I eat a little more or would you just see what happens and then modify after a few weeks if necessary?


  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    First of all Congrats! Second I would definitely invest in a heart rate monitor with a strap. That way you know the calories burned because MFP is usually way off what my HRM says. If you can't afford one I would just see how it goes for a couple weeks. If you stay under calories and burn 3,500 extra calories during the week you should loose about 2lbs. Good Luck
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it, the maths behind weight loss is not an exact science - your body has a mind of it's own and will basically do as it pleases, you should just see it as a guide rather than something that is set in stone.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There are also things like temporary fluid shifts and the more variable calories expended during casual activity. At your weight, a 2.4 lb loss in one week is not that drastic. You might find that it evens out more next week, or it may be that you are underestimating your intake.

    I wouldn't worry about it. Weight loss does not occur in a linear direction--it's more of a sawtooth. And it doesn't necessarily follow a day-to-day cycle.

    If your program is working, just stick with it.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it, the maths behind weight loss is not an exact science - your body has a mind of it's own and will basically do as it pleases, you should just see it as a guide rather than something that is set in stone.
    I totally agree...there is no way for any system or person to predict exactly how much weight you will lose, even if they know exactly what you are eating and burning. Just remember that you may have weeks where you eat "perfectly" on plan and don't lose anything or even gain. That's normal and you shouldn't worry about it. It all comes out in the end. Good luck!
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I agree...I think it's important for us to keep in mind that this whole calorie/weight loss thing is not an absolute sciend (like, say, gravity). Even though the equation is basically "eat less, exercise more," there are many variables that come into play on a day to day, season to season basis that impact the weight loss curve.

    I do find that my graph is not so much a curve as a sawtooth as Asdak mentioned...a downward trending sawtooth, but still a sawtooth. Up a little one day, down more the next.

    So...I add my voice to the "don't worry too much about it" group. Stay strongly focused on your eating/exercise routine with MFP to help you, and think more in terms of the long term trend than the short term ups and downs.