The wardrobe dilemma



  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    You'd be amazed at the great and (sometimes) brand new clothing you can find at thrift stores nowadays. I've been shopping thrift stores for years and no one would be able to tell that the vast majority of my clothing comes from the goodwill or thrift town. I've found my practice of scouring thrift stores for clothing to find beautiful clothing to be invaluable in my weightloss journey and have a closet crammed full of clothes that cost a pittance compared to buying retail. Since starting I've filled nearly 3 30gal garbage bags with my cast offs for donations and have gone from a size 24w to a medium for most of my clothes and I've managed to do it on the budget of a college student.
  • ampjorgensen
    ampjorgensen Posts: 86 Member
    I heard there is a group on facebook from MFP that is doing a clothing exchange so you don't have to buy new clothes as you lose weight you just exchange with someone else for new? worth a shot. Also Plato's closet (as i saw listed about) is AWESOME! I wish i had one local! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I had the same problem last weekend, and could not believe how emotional it was! It's taken me about 25 pounds to drop a size, and originally, I could not WAIT to buy new clothes! But last week when suddently nothing fit and I was faced with the dreaded dressing room, and I was actually depressed. I had a moment in the mirror last week when I still felt fat,as I am only (or should I say already) half-way to goal. (Things are so much better this week!)

    I did end up shopping last weekend and bought a couple of mix and match outfits. I even tried on a suit that was a sleeveless dress and jacket (I usually wear pants). The jacket was WAY to cute, and it was on sale to a point to what I would have paid for the jacket alone, so I tried it on. WOW! it fit like a glove, and I actually liked the dress -- even without the jacket!

    Anyway, I ended up buying some better "investment" pieces, but they were incredibly on sale. My rule is that if I am going to buy something, it must make me look / feel good and not just only "fit" and look "OK". I also try to make a list of what is missing in my wardrobe from a mix/match point and shop for those pieces only. I also will wear the "I've got to find something that matches these pants" to the store with me so that they are in my face as I shop. (yes, I found a shirt to match the funny-colored olive pants that fit me last week -- surprisingly it's pink and the same funny color olive. Quite the accident!) This makes shopping alot more work, but it is worth it in the end.

    You might also want to consider your shoes and accessories -- this is a great way of taking some basic pieces and making them look incredibly different. And generally speaking, these will fit no matter what size you are.

    btw: I read your original post and you didn't sound whiney at all! Losing weight is a very emotional process -- even the successes can create some anxiety and angst. And if you can't vent to your MFP friends about it -- people who have been there and understand-- who else can you talk to? Trust me, I've been there, and I never ever thought I would feel bad about buying new clothes!

    Have fun shopping!

    Thanks again everyone. It helped to hear that you empathize with the situation. I'm just laughing now because my belts don't even fit... Need more holes. I scoured some garage sales this morning, didn't find anything, but realized it's one resource I have been overlooking. If I find anything good, I'll report back. Btw, plato's closet is good from what I hear, but there aren't any here. I sent to goodwill and found a great idea for a Halloween costume....