Hoping to make this website a daily routine

cas122777 Posts: 33 Member
I am a 33 year old female. My weight has always fluctuated and so has my nutrition. I am looking to be healthy in both categories. Right now my weight is as high as it has ever been. My doctor told me the number is completely normal and all i should really be concerned about is toning if i am unhappy with my appearance. my biggest downfall is my enormous sweet tooth. Any tips or suggestions are more than welcome!!!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Cook for yourself, make healthy choices, log on and enter your foods everyday. If you stay within your goals you will get all the results you want. It's all about what you are willing to do to get healthy.
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Do like I did!!! I made this site my home page so I would have to look at it every time I went on the internet! (which is often!) It keeps reminding me that I am supposed to be good and eat healthy!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome! I've been making MFP a daily routine lately! It's almost more addicting then facebook! LOL!

    Listen to your doctor if he says your weight is normal, but I totally understand that it's important to feel good in your body too!
    So start making those healthy choices! If you've got a sweet tooth, try switching to the sugars in fruits, like a fresh fruit salad!
    If chocolate is your downfall, try FiberOne Oats and Chocolate bars. It's 35 percent your daily fiber intake and it tastes like a candy bar!!

    It's all about finding healthy recipes and exploring all categories of your nutrition and you'll find that here!

    Feel free to add me as a friend to help motivate you along your journey!
  • cas122777
    cas122777 Posts: 33 Member
    Great idea about the homepage!