Raising your metabolism



  • Agglaki
    Agglaki Posts: 105
    If you have issues with the "Twinkie Diet" guy, you really need to watch the documentary "Fat Heads" certainly a very interesting take on this. As for meal timing, it has not metabolic effect and has no effect on fat loss. That is all about energy in versus energy out and the exercise you do. The vast amount of research into this in recent years all points to the truth of that. If 6 meals (or 10 for that matter) a day works for you to control what you eat, great, for me it leaves me completely unsatisfied and more likely to eat extra calories, but don't say things about 6 meals a day that a verifiable untrue base on repeated peer reviewed controlled studies.

    Thanks for the recommendation I'll try to track it down and have a watch.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    There have been studies that show that satiety and hunger hormones like ghrelin and GLP-1 will adjust to your eating patterns. When I first started fasting, I would be starving in the morning. Now I don't get "hungry" until around noon, and my large first meal keep me feeling full until my second meal. I'm almost never hungry, and I'm cutting.

    Different foods and macronutrients also have an effect on satiety.

    It's interesting you say that I am also using an IF method. Yes I agree, you adapt to it eventually, it gets easier. When gherlin is present so is growth hormone. Makes me think that if our gherlin goes down so will our GH. Might mean to get the GH benefit we might need to fast longer periods of time. Or maybe the gherlin is still there, but we just have adapted to it, and it doesn't bother us anymore, if this is true, GH will still be there either way.