I need YOUR advice to help with my goal!!

Hi Guys,
First thank you for reading my post!! :flowerforyou:

Background~ I have been on here for 1.5 months- trying doing pretty well with my calories (except for some weekends, I got over:grumble: ) I do have to admit I have been drinking beer and liquor regularly. When I was doing really well I was not losing very much. It was suggested that I move the goal from 2lbs a week to 1lb a week (from 1200 cals to 1360 cals)- So I did.. I have not lost since then I have actually gained everything back and am at square 1 again (bye-bye 5 lbs lost :cry: (I will WI again next Friday, skipped this Friday per TOM)

The Reason~ So In 4.5 months I have a trip to PV, Mexico planned for my best friend’s wedding…technically its 5 months until the trip but I need time to get the bridesmaid dress altered.

NEW Mind Set Starting 6/6~I am changing everything starting Monday 6/6. I am cutting out beer and liquor. Going to be working out daily and really watching everything I eat - even on the dreaded weekends.

Goal~ I want to lose 30lbs by September 1st and 45-50lbs by Nov. 1st.

Now it’s time to REALLY get kicking!!!

Any advice for me on how I can accomplish this goal???? It should be possible right? I am 50lbs over-weight so its not like I am anywhere near my goal weight.

Any workout suggestions??? I am thinking about doing the 30DS everyday (10 days per level) for 30 days and doing 30 mins of the elliptical every other day. Then after the 30DS (30days) doing Jillians No More Trouble Zones.

I am open for recommendations~ There are so many people on this site that have lost weight healthy and fast, I’m hoping to get as much advice as I can!

Thanks for reading my novel and for all the advice:flowerforyou:


  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Unfortunately for me, I have to have everyday be "on" with calorie counting. Even one day over will really throw off my weight loss. I know some people manage having a "cheat day" just fine - but I'm not one of them - I won't lose an ounce.

    Is JM 30 Day your first move into strength training? If so, don't be worried about a little extra gain at the beginning - it'll come off, it's just your muscles retaining water.

    My only advice is to be diligent. It's the only way I lose anyway. Log every little bite, every day and stay as close to your calorie target as possible. Weigh or measure everything you eat - it's easy to understimate. Exercise 5-6 days a week. If you do that, the weight should have no choice but to come off.
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    Your exercise ideas look fine. I would suggest looking into specific types of things you eat. I mean, obviously the fruits and vegetables and whole grains thing applies to everyone.

    Things that usually help me on weekends (or did every time before that I've lost weight):
    - look up a bunch of restaurants in your area ahead of time in case friends want to go out for a meal
    - hang on to low-calorie desserts and snack foods in the house
    - extra time = extra exercise
    - don't entirely pull yourself away from beer and liquor. Limit your intake, yes, but if you deny yourself entirely, you might end up getting something you don't really want. If you want a beer, have a low calorie one. There's a 50 or 60 calorie one that's great.
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of March and have lost 19lb so far. For the first couple of months I was doing Diet Chef and not working out at all! Since then i've given up on the Diet Chef for financial reasons but have stuck to 1200 cals a day and started working out once if not twice a day. I walk 3-4 miles a day pushing the buggy and with the dog on the lead also and i'm now on Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred. It's hard going the first couple of days but I felt much stronger and it was easier today! Although it's early days, the scales aren't showing any loss from it weight wise but i've definitely lost a little hips/bust/waist. Last week my weight had stayed the same as the previous week so i've increased my cals a little to 1360. Time will tell if that has helped - weigh in tomorrow!! Good luck with your loss!! Feel free to add me if you like :-)
  • dd_salas
    dd_salas Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not sure about fast, but following the recommendations and getting regular exercise are the healthy ways to go. I really noticed the biggest improvement in my weight loss when I started doing interval training for my workouts. It only takes about a week for your body to adapt to doing the same exercise - meaning you will be able to do the same workout more efficiently (you'll burn less calories doing the same thing that you did a week ago).

    Skipping on the beer and liquor is also good - sooooooooo many liquid calories, and our bodies metabolize the alcohol into simple sugars pretty quickly. Doesn't mean you still can't pick one day a week to hang out with your friends tho - I have learned that I have to set realistic expectations for myself (like go to the gym 4 or 5 days a week, because there is no way in hell I can do 6 or 7 days a week).

    Lastly - WATER! You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces. So for me, I weigh 236, so I am drinking 118 ounces per day (64 ounces in a gallon). I carry water with me EVERYWHERE; when I go to the grocery store, when I go out with friends, to the movies, all day at work.

    Best of luck to you!
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Eat healthy, ANY exercise, drink enough water and just GET ON WITH IT! Why start monday? Why not now? Are you binging right now to 'get it all in' before you start afresh on monday? Don't.

    Are you sticking to your calories? How much of your calories each day are alcohol? Are you drinking enough water? Eating enough fibre? They are good places to start.

    Good luck with it!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Well first off I am definitely no expert at this or I would be losing too. I will suggest that you could start now by cutting back on the liquor and stuff (not quit) but then when your date to give it up gets here it won't be as hard. I am also not young (53 and disabled) but even if you just get out and walk around the block once or twice a day and work up gradually that will help. Remember that any movement is better than no movement. I understand that you don't want to give up everything before your friends wedding but just remember that you can still have fun and cut back on your intake. Drink lots of water.......I too am trying to do better on that as I am up to about 3 glasses a day from never drinking any. I really hope this helps you some. Like I said I am not an expert on weight loss this is just things I have learned over my lifetime and by trial and error. This is an AWESOME site and everyone is very supportive, encouraging and has lots and lots of advice. Hang in there and rememeber that we are all here for you and we are all taking this journey together!! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I am also helping and trying to support my daughter on her weight loss journey..

  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Eat healthy, ANY exercise, drink enough water and just GET ON WITH IT! Why start monday? Why not now? Are you binging right now to 'get it all in' before you start afresh on monday? Don't.

    Are you sticking to your calories? How much of your calories each day are alcohol? Are you drinking enough water? Eating enough fibre? They are good places to start.

    Good luck with it!

    Great advice!! I wish someone had bullied me into the "now not Monday" thing!!!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    Hi Michelle! :)

    I'm right there with you on your efforts! I wasn't HORRIBLE last week, but definitely "off course". After a week off (and MUCH too much alcohol) I am recommitted! :) Went to the gym first thing today and will doing most everything I can over the course of the next month to lose 10lbs. I have never been a water fan, but I am even going to make an effort THERE.

    I'm pretty much back on the clean eating bandwagon. -Gotta watch your sugar intake. Sugar is everywhere. I was eating the Chobani greek yogurts and then noticed that they have TWENTY grams of sugar, so now I am switching to plain greek yogurt with some blueberries and some type of sweetener (yet to be determined).

    I always try to eat my carbs with a bit of protein and in general try to avoid "empty calories". I try to ask myself "after I eat this, how long will it take me to burn off, and how does it benefit me nutrition-wise?"

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see what comes of this post. Let's DO THIS!

    *mwah* :)
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Eat healthy, ANY exercise, drink enough water and just GET ON WITH IT! Why start monday? Why not now? Are you binging right now to 'get it all in' before you start afresh on monday? Don't.

    Are you sticking to your calories? How much of your calories each day are alcohol? Are you drinking enough water? Eating enough fibre? They are good places to start.

    Good luck with it!

    Great advice!! I wish someone had bullied me into the "now not Monday" thing!!!

    Oooh I don't want to bully somebody! It's just I find the best attitude is to grab the bull by the horns, stop making excuses and to just get on with the job in hand! Its such a confidence booster as well when you take action and think no not later, NOW.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Eat healthy, ANY exercise, drink enough water and just GET ON WITH IT! Why start monday? Why not now? Are you binging right now to 'get it all in' before you start afresh on monday? Don't.

    Are you sticking to your calories? How much of your calories each day are alcohol? Are you drinking enough water? Eating enough fibre? They are good places to start.

    Good luck with it!

    Ah.... I forgot to mention the water... I am ususally very good with water 10-14 @ 8oz glasses a day... I know that I need to drink it to lose weight. Going to be uping that to a min 100oz a day though.

    You are right about starting now and not monday but I need to go grocery shopping and cant do that until tomorrow, this is why the monday plan in addition to drinking this weekend birthday parties and BBQ's (so yes its going to turn into sugar) but I am making sure I put it in my calories... even if that might set me a bit over today. I am honest about my calories even if that means I have to log a "bad" day I still log it to hold myself accountable...- NO Im NOT "binging" luckily! I have had binges in the past but it has been REALLY good since MFP- the food diary and my MFP friends have helped me A LOT!!

    Currently, somedays there a large chunk of my calories going to drinking (like I said generally on the weekends). I do really good on the fiber usually but do have bad days with Sodium (dreaded sodium:grumble: )
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Your goals are possible. Going to take some hard work and effort on your end though =) I wouldn't aim for anything higher though or it becomes unsafe.

    I can't comment on JM workout's. I stick to beachbody (P90X, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Fire etc) They work great and they are fun! But really any work out is better then nothing! I actually know a guy that does nothing but sit up's and push ups (1000's a day) and he is ripped. So just keep a clean diet, work out and you will reach your weight lose goals.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    Oh yeah, and although I would really LIKE to lose 10lbs over June, I also know that slow and steady wins the race. I am putting away the scale (except for my weigh in days) and won't OBSESS over it. Just do the right thing. I will be MUCH happier if I go a little more slowly and keep it off rather than quickly and pile it back on. I'm not even pissed at myself for last week. Today is a new day and I'm going to do the best I can with it. -And then tomorrow, and the next day and the next day. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    When I started this journey, I gave up alcohol. I wasn't a big drinker anyway - but I realized that I don't want to waste my calories on liquid. I'd much rather have a turkey burger for 160 calories than a can of Mt Dew. I learned that there are things I have to cut out of my life in order to achieve my goals. It's funny because I've found the stuff I used to love? Was the exact stuff that made me fat and unhappy. Ironic, isn't it?

    Don't wait til Monday, Michelle. Start today. Everyday is a new day. Let's make today count. Don't worry about tomorrow - it isn't tomorrow and stop obsessing over yesterday - it's gone. Focus on here and now.

    Break your meals up into 5 smaller meals a day. This will help keep your blood sugar level - which helps to control cravings and binging. Work on reading labels on your food. And learn what a portion size really is - you'll be shocked to find that what we consider a portion is more like 2 or 3. Measure your food, read the labels to see how much you're supposed to have. Drink water. Try and limit your processed foods. Eat protein.

    I don't think you have to cut sugar and carbs from your life - I certainly haven't.

    I change up my exercise routine because our bodies get too used to what we're doing and you'll find what worked great a month ago - isn't quite as effective now.

    Oh. And log EVERYTHING you eat. The good and the bad. That way you can go back and see how it affected you. I can tell you that when I eat a slice of white bread or a white roll -- I have bloating issues for two days afterward. So, I avoid white bread and rolls at all costs. This is the sort of stuff you learn by logging. It isn't just about tracking calories. It is a good way to see what works with our bodies and what doesn't.

  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    this is gradual changes. if you tell yourself you cant have something, you're going to want it more. and then you might end up on a binge. so dont deny yourself foods you enjoy. i'm not saying indulge in them at every craving. lol. but budget some stuff in that you know you enjoy. exercise is a big thing that helps a LOT. but doing too much too fast can hurt you. when you start 30DS, be careful. her cardio is high impact. so i suggest the modified version to start. and if you miss a day, just pick it up the next day. but most importantly, enjoy this journey. we all have good and bad days. good weigh-ins and not so good ones. but nothing is impossible. and i have great faith that if you truly want this enough, you will get there. =)
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Oh yeah, and although I would really LIKE to lose 10lbs over June, I also know that slow and steady wins the race. I am putting away the scale (except for my weigh in days) and won't OBSESS over it. Just do the right thing. I will be MUCH happier if I go a little more slowly and keep it off rather than quickly and pile it back on. I'm not even pissed at myself for last week. Today is a new day and I'm going to do the best I can with it. -And then tomorrow, and the next day and the next day. :)

    I'm with you on that! My brother's wedding is fast approaching and i'm no where near where I want to be. I've had to give myself a talking to and just accept that it's not going to happen but to stick with it and i'll get there eventually!!
  • peizhi
    peizhi Posts: 15 Member
    I love this one blog with really intense workouts and healthy diets! Don't be afraid, they're easier than they seem!!

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    One thing that helps me is to think to myself "do I want that 'insert whatever you are getting ready to eat or drink that is not healthy here' more than I want to look good and feel good?

    For instance, yesterday at work (I work on a farm with all guys, none of whom know what eating healthy is) my buddy Pete was eating donuts and insisted that I eat one. I decided I wanted to look good and feel good more than I wanted a nasty, no nutritional value, fat and sugar blob of gooey nastiness.

    That mind set has actually helped me keep from eating tons of nastiness, which has in turn helped my body get rid of the nastiness I have filled it full of for years and turned my cravings around. The less junk you eat, the less junk you crave. It is true.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions :)

    if you are just reading this- Keep em' coming :flowerforyou:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    When I started this journey, I gave up alcohol. I wasn't a big drinker anyway - but I realized that I don't want to waste my calories on liquid. I'd much rather have a turkey burger for 160 calories than a can of Mt Dew. I learned that there are things I have to cut out of my life in order to achieve my goals. It's funny because I've found the stuff I used to love? Was the exact stuff that made me fat and unhappy. Ironic, isn't it?

    Don't wait til Monday, Michelle. Start today. Everyday is a new day. Let's make today count. Don't worry about tomorrow - it isn't tomorrow and stop obsessing over yesterday - it's gone. Focus on here and now.

    Break your meals up into 5 smaller meals a day. This will help keep your blood sugar level - which helps to control cravings and binging. Work on reading labels on your food. And learn what a portion size really is - you'll be shocked to find that what we consider a portion is more like 2 or 3. Measure your food, read the labels to see how much you're supposed to have. Drink water. Try and limit your processed foods. Eat protein.

    I don't think you have to cut sugar and carbs from your life - I certainly haven't.

    I change up my exercise routine because our bodies get too used to what we're doing and you'll find what worked great a month ago - isn't quite as effective now.

    Oh. And log EVERYTHING you eat. The good and the bad. That way you can go back and see how it affected you. I can tell you that when I eat a slice of white bread or a white roll -- I have bloating issues for two days afterward. So, I avoid white bread and rolls at all costs. This is the sort of stuff you learn by logging. It isn't just about tracking calories. It is a good way to see what works with our bodies and what doesn't.


    i agree, you need to be a bit more savvy about the choices you make and log everything you eat. remember the only person you are lying to is yourself if you do. Dont wait till monday, start tomorrow or even right now, no matter what day yo have had. If you are really focused you can do this!

    think of this as a lifestyle change- u cant cut sugar and carbs from your diet, i havent. just reduced the amount i used to have. but then i dont obsess over macro nutrients too much, just make sure i eat smart.

    i have done the 30ds but not everyday, as i do zumba as well. do whatever u feel comfortable with and that you will stick to. exercise has to have the fun element otherwise i get bored! so zumba is great for me!

    good luck, you can def do this!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Unfortunately, there's a lot or calories in liquor. That mean need to cut way back way back. That would be the first thing that I wild do.