30lbs mission



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    XxXstars9967XxX for captain of team skinny b*tch =)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    XxXstars9967XxX for skinny ***** captain!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    XxXstars9967XxX for captain of team skinny b*tch
  • Late posting my weigh in, could not get to the computer this weekend.

    SW- 200
    CW- 195.6

    So happy to be losing, down almost five pounds!!! Sure most of it was water weight, but I will take it any way I can get it!!!!
  • Also I vote Soliet_Neil for Capt. of Phat and Furious!!!
  • divalovely
    divalovely Posts: 65 Member
    I vote for monkeymama as team bootiebusters team captain:)
  • Votes so far
    Team skinny
    XxXstars9967XxX 6 votes
    Joamarelo 1 vote
    Sarahwrittenthin 1 vote

    Team bootie
    Drwalker09 5 votes
    Rorosaw 2 votes
    3monkeymama 1 vote

    Team ab's
    Atouria 2 votes

    Team phat
    Solat37_neil 4 votes

    Team winning
    Tryinghard2012 3 votes.

    I still need votes from allot of you.so if you haven't voted please do and do not vote for yourself and only vote for someone on your team.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Also I vote Soliet_Neil for Capt. of Phat and Furious!!!

    I vote for him too!! Soliet_Neil !!!!!!!
  • Thought i would post the "rules"
    1:Weigh-in day is every saturday.Whoever doesn't weigh-in by sunday moring will be put in "limbo" for 7 days In order to be reinstated into the challenge i will need your weight by the end of the 7 days.

    2:every member on each team will send their weight to their team captains,team captains are responsible for sending me everyone on their teams stats each weigh-in day.Also you are responsible for telling me who didn't weigh-in for your team.

    3:Please check the forum daily as there will be new info everyday.

    4:The monday after each weigh-in is "chart day" I will have a chart/list of everyone with their current weight loss during this challenge.The team that loses the most weight for that week will get a cheat day (idk i can't think of anythign else lol )

    5:the person that loses the most weight at the end of each week will get the "loser of the week" title :) lol

    6: Please no fighting over who wins captain of each team

    7:Final rule,Don't Ever and i repeat EVER! give up,and don't ever say your not going to finish this.Everyone doing this challenge is a great person and if any of you ever need someone to talk to.WWe have a great number of people that are here for your support and will help motivate you.

    8: (not a rule) I need to have an advisor (someone who can double check my charts) just to make sure everythign is right before it is posted.I don't want any mistakes.The person that i think deserves that job is Solat37_neil.You have been helping me basically from day one and i can't think of a better advisor then you :)
  • Does anyone have the program that can create charts? lol I don't.I'll do all the work and calcute everything if you can make the chart
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    I have google spreadsheets :)
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Great rules!!!
  • Great rules!!!
    Thanks :)
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Stars,

    here is a suggestion for Rule 4. I don't know if you watch Biggest Loser, but when they do challenges the team that wins sometimes gets a 1lb advantage for the weigh-in! Just an idea :D

    4:The monday after each weigh-in is "chart day" I will have a chart/list of everyone with their current weight loss during this challenge.The team that loses the most weight for that week will get a cheat day (idk i can't think of anythign else lol )
  • Hey Stars,

    here is a suggestion for Rule 4. I don't know if you watch Biggest Loser, but when they do challenges the team that wins sometimes gets a 1lb advantage for the weigh-in! Just an idea :D

    4:The monday after each weigh-in is "chart day" I will have a chart/list of everyone with their current weight loss during this challenge.The team that loses the most weight for that week will get a cheat day (idk i can't think of anythign else lol )
    Thats a good idea.We'll do that
  • drwalker09
    drwalker09 Posts: 14 Member
    hzminda! you are the besssssst :) Great idea. And nice! to stars for the rules ^_^
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member

    8: (not a rule) I need to have an advisor (someone who can double check my charts) just to make sure everythign is right before it is posted.I don't want any mistakes.The person that i think deserves that job is Solat37_neil.You have been helping me basically from day one and i can't think of a better advisor then you :)

    I'm flattered...I humbly accept :happy:
  • celizabet
    celizabet Posts: 48 Member
    I vote tryinghard2012 for team captain of winning losers!
  • Revised Rules Everyone please read these.
    1.) Weigh-day is Saturday (no excuses). If i do not have your weight by Sunday morning You will be put into limbo for 7 days.To get reinstated into the group i will need your weight by the end of the 7 days.

    2.) every member on each team will send their weight to their team captain.Team captains are responsible for sending me everyone on their teams stats each weigh-in day.And a list of those who did not weight in.

    3.) Please check the forum daily for updates/news.

    4.) The Monday after each weigh-in is "chart day" i will have a chart/list posted of everyone's current weight loss for the duration of the challenge.The team that loses the most weight each week will be eligible for a 1lb advantage.

    5.) The person that loses the most weight will get the "loser of the week" title.

    6.) Do not fight over who is captain A vote is a vote.And no offensive remarks to others or you will be penalized and you will not get to weigh-in the following Saturday after the incident.

    7.) Please do not lie about your weight to your captain if you do you will be permanently removed from the challenge.

    8.) Don't "poke fun" at a member if they do not lose any weight a certain week.You will be penalized

    9.) If you are not friends with all your team members please add them.One of them will be your captain.

    Those are the rules if you have any questions please feel free to send me a message or post in this forum topic with all of your concerns and questions
  • Team captains are as follows
    Team skinny B*tch
    XxXstars9967XxX (Thanx everyone)
    Team phat n furious
    Team abs-olutly fabulous
    Team winning losers
    Team bootie busters

    Send your stats to your capt at the end of each weigh-in day.Capt's please send everyone's stats to me.In an organized manner please and a list of those who did not weigh-in.
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