hey people do you eat whtever you want



  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    is it ok to eat whatever you want aslong as you dont go over the limit of fat carbs calories and protein?

    This forum a the reason so many people arent losing weight especially saying that its okay for someone to eat McDonalds or any kind of fast food there is no way that you can stay under your Fat or carb goal by eating that kind of garbage. The real way to be able to eat what you want and get away with it is cook your own food and consume lots of fresh fruits, veggies and meat. The caloric restriction and still eating take out food only works if your body is use to have many more calories then you are eating now. There is a point where you will have to train your body how to properly use the food that you put in it and use it correctly.

    Well said!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I don't eat "what I want" because if I do, I end up eating small portions of high calorie stuff and feeling dissatisfied and hungry.

    Fortunately, after eating healthily for a while, the things I want to eat change. :)
  • broadway_Calls
    broadway_Calls Posts: 18 Member
    Unfortunately no, as my weight loss hasn't been as consistent recently I've been limiting carbs and fats significantly and increasing my protein/veg.
    I don't think you can achieve such effective weight loss or maintain a healthy lifestyle if you continue eating within say, 1200-1500 calories but comprise that mostly of sugary/fatty/carb-rich foods.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I enjoy my "junk" every now and then - like the buffalo chicken pizza I had Friday night. OMG, that was amazing! :heart:

    But I also like a good bargain. I think of budgeting my calories the same way I budget my money. I want a good bargain. I want to get the most I can for my money... or calories. And while I'll splurge every now and then on a completely frivolous pair of shoes, or blowing 900 calories on half a frozen pizza, I find it generally more satisfying to buy classic basics when they're on sale, and eat more wholesome homemade foods.

    I get the most bang for my buck on a pair of dark wash straight leg jeans, that go with everything. Or a pair of great running shoes that I'll wear into the ground. And I get the most food for my calories when I make something from scratch.

    Still, every now and then, I want something tight and shiny with sequins. And every now and then, I want something absolutely delicious that's not considered health food.

    Life's about balance. Balance occasional splurge with a majority of good choices, and you'll be fine.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Yes, it's all about portion control and staying within goals.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    is it ok to eat whatever you want aslong as you dont go over the limit of fat carbs calories and protein?

    This forum is a the reason why so many people arent losing weight especially saying that its okay for someone to eat McDonalds or any kind of fast food there is no way that you can stay under your Fat or carb goal by eating that kind of garbage. The real way to be able to eat what you want and get away with it is cook your own food and consume lots of fresh fruits, veggies and meat. The caloric restriction and still eating take out food only works if your body is use to have many more calories then you are eating now. There is a point where you will have to train your body how to properly use the food that you put in it and use it correctly.

    This is why I said I watch the sugary foods. We don't eat fried foods anyway, so that's never been an issue and we are fruit/veggie eaters as well. You have to have some common sense with portion control and the types of food you are eating.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    is it ok to eat whatever you want aslong as you dont go over the limit of fat carbs calories and protein?

    Within reason yes. The problem that got most of us here is that we don't do that or we don't eat like that in a balanced way. I still see diaries where people have skipped breakfast, had a load of processed crap for lunch and then a hard boiled egg or cottage cheese for dinner. Sure, it balances out and doesn't go over their calorie limits or micro-nutrients limits, but is it healthy? I don't think so. However, if you eat well 90% of the time and want a piece of cake, or bags of chips, or whatever and you manage a healthy, well balanced day where you have enough extra calories to eat that, I say go for it. That's eating a balanced diet, and a livable lifestyle change where foods like that have a proper place.
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    is it ok to eat whatever you want aslong as you dont go over the limit of fat carbs calories and protein?

    Within reason yes. The problem that got most of us here is that we don't do that or we don't eat like that in a balanced way. I still see diaries where people have skipped breakfast, had a load of processed crap for lunch and then a hard boiled egg or cottage cheese for dinner. Sure, it balances out and doesn't go over their calorie limits or micro-nutrients limits, but is it healthy? I don't think so. However, if you eat well 90% of the time and want a piece of cake, or bags of chips, or whatever and you manage a healthy, well balanced day where you have enough extra calories to eat that, I say go for it. That's eating a balanced diet, and a livable lifestyle change where foods like that have a proper place.

    This is the exact advice that nobody should follow because if you eat healthy for 6 out of 7 days a week then the last day you consume a ton of processed food and that will push you over your limit you just ruined a totally good week !! I have no idea where everyone gets all these crazy ideas but the easiest thing to do while trying to lose weight is actually EAT and EAT all the time but consume good clean foods you body will eventually crazy those foods then you will be able to properly fuel your body. You get out of your body what fuel your put in it.

    Putting food in your body is just like putting fuel in your car and I am 10000% sure that nobody on this entire site would fill your gas tank up half way with soda and then some water and then rest of the way with gas because it would kill your car that is what you are doing to your body when you consume processed foods or take out foods. Its not that tough to eat cleanly i eat 6-8 meals a day all that i cook or have cooked myself everything made from scratch. Yes it takes a little more planning but its work it in the end to have 9.5%BF.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    I respect the work you've put in to your body, but I think you need to understand that most people here aren't striving for a single digit body fat percentage. I'm not speaking for everyone, but I know it's my end goal to be healthy and strong, but not a primo-athlete. I want to be able to enjoy the occasional slice (or four) of pizza without feeling like I ruined everything. And since I have that about weekly, and still continue to lose weight, I'd say that's working pretty well for me. And I'd even go so far as to say I'm losing fat and gaining muscle, since there's nice little hard bits on my arms and legs and abs that were never there before.

    I'm not going to be a fitness model. I'm not going to be an athlete. Those aren't my goals. My goal is to live a normal life, have great heart and lung function, love what I see when I look in the mirror... and sometimes have a Jalapeno Smokehouse Bacon Big Mouth Burger. And I'm currently living that dream. :laugh:

    If you don't get the same enjoyment I do out of something like that, good for you! :smile: I'm happy you like what you're doing and enjoy what you're eating. But don't expect everyone else to have your goals, either.

    The fuel in the car argument isn't valid, because people can use alternate fuel sources. Our bodies can process a lot of different things, including cake and chips. If someone is eating at a 1 pound a week deficit, that's 3500 calories. A slice of cake isn't going to undo that. Show me the slice of cake that has more than 3500 calories, cuz I'd love to dig into that sucker!!! :happy:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    However, if you eat well 90% of the time and want a piece of cake, or bags of chips, or whatever and you manage a healthy, well balanced day where you have enough extra calories to eat that, I say go for it.
    This is the exact advice that nobody should follow because if you eat healthy for 6 out of 7 days a week then the last day you consume a ton of processed food and that will push you over your limit you just ruined a totally good week !!
    Where did you get the idea that eating "a piece of cake" or "bags of chips" or whatever will "ruin" six days worth of making healthy choices?

    ANY healthy choices made are a step forward, there is NO whatsoever evidence that "a piece of cake" which is the comment which you responded so rudely to will ruin your health, if eaten as part of a healthy balanced diet.

    It's dietary fundamentalism like that that stops people taking the first steps towards being healthy. Sure, if you're already eating healthily six days a week, then look for improvements to that. But don't tell someone they'll "ruin" six days of healthy eating by having "a piece of cake"
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    I respect the work you've put in to your body, but I think you need to understand that most people here aren't striving for a single digit body fat percentage. I'm not speaking for everyone, but I know it's my end goal to be healthy and strong, but not a primo-athlete. I want to be able to enjoy the occasional slice (or four) of pizza without feeling like I ruined everything. And since I have that about weekly, and still continue to lose weight, I'd say that's working pretty well for me. And I'd even go so far as to say I'm losing fat and gaining muscle, since there's nice little hard bits on my arms and legs and abs that were never there before.

    I'm not going to be a fitness model. I'm not going to be an athlete. Those aren't my goals. My goal is to live a normal life, have great heart and lung function, love what I see when I look in the mirror... and sometimes have a Jalapeno Smokehouse Bacon Big Mouth Burger. And I'm currently living that dream. :laugh:

    If you don't get the same enjoyment I do out of something like that, good for you! :smile: I'm happy you like what you're doing and enjoy what you're eating. But don't expect everyone else to have your goals, either.

    The fuel in the car argument isn't valid, because people can use alternate fuel sources. Our bodies can process a lot of different things, including cake and chips. If someone is eating at a 1 pound a week deficit, that's 3500 calories. A slice of cake isn't going to undo that. Show me the slice of cake that has more than 3500 calories, cuz I'd love to dig into that sucker!!! :happy:
    I love this response!

    I'm very sensible about what I put in my mouth most of the time but there are moments when I want that cookie or some ice cream and guess what? I'm going to have it! Because I've been on this journey for the past 6 months, I am now able to stop myself from eating 6 cookies or a pint of ice cream. All of us here are at differently points of our journeys and some people are not so disciplined to be so restrictive with their diets and not being able to indulge a little. Especially with people who are just starting out, being so limiting in what they eat usually causes them to gorge on all the bad foods they can get their hands on.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I eat whatever I want....like last night I had three beers and some buffalo wings, because I went out with some Soccer friends and that is what I wanted to have. :)

    Now I ahve altered my diet for the most part, because I am 41 and my body just does not have teh metabolism it did when I was younger. I play Soccer all year long, yet I still gain weight? WTF? Older body means we burn slower.

    I have made some choices that will help me reach my goal, such as weight lifting and Ellitpical workouts, PLus eating more veggies, skim milk, salads.....but all food s that I enjoy....just eat them healthier

    You can alter your diet to meet your goals, whatever they are. I have switch my coffee from half and half and Sugar...to Fat free cream and splenda, that should help.

    The strength training is the key for me, in my age I need to build muscle to keep the calories burning at a hire rate.

    Anyway, do I have chips and dip? sure just not every day, some chocolate? sure maybe a hershey kiss here or there. Ice cream, you bet, no toppiings.

    simple choices and don't add on extra's, that is all if you can make it "cleaner" then do so.

    I'll never give up my Chic-fil-a Cookies and cream milkshake though.....NEVER :)
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I don't eat "what I want" because if I do, I end up eating small portions of high calorie stuff and feeling dissatisfied and hungry.

    Fortunately, after eating healthily for a while, the things I want to eat change. :)
    Heh, I hope that my tastes will change.

    I can't eat what I want because it makes me want to eat MORE of what I want.
    I guess I have to stick with eating things I don't like for now.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Heh, I hope that my tastes will change.

    I can't eat what I want because it makes me want to eat MORE of what I want.
    I guess I have to stick with eating things I don't like for now.
    Thing is, if you keep eating something, you'll start to enjoy it. Apparently it is humans instinct which we evolved, something to do with us being encouraged to take advantage of the availability of a new food that's been eaten X number of times without making us ill. The bottom line is that tastes really do change, so stick with it.

    Maybe like me you'll end up heading for the fridge one day for another handful of sliced red pepper and carrot sticks to crunch on and stop and think "Hey, I'm actually enjoying snacking on this stuff. WTF happened to me?" :bigsmile:
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I've been in maintenance mode for about 5 months and MFP allows me to eat 1970 plus exercise calories. For the most part, I eat pretty healthy. I probably go out once-twice a week, but try to eat healthy. The fast food places I do go out too are SubWay, Boston Market, and once in great while, Popeyes (no more than once every two months).

    I'm going to Outback Steahouse tonight. I'm going to have a 9 oz sirloin w/o butter and seasoning, mixed vegetables w/o butter, broccoli w/o butter, and a half-loaf of their bread plus iced-tea. I've already exercised today, so I'll be under calores, carbs, fat, and sodium (this is one I have to watch).

    The other things I've learned to watch are sodium (less)and water (more), plus exercise and sleep. I try to exercise at least 6 times a week (pretty good at this; at least 30 minutes cardio 6x a week and weightlifting 3x a week) and get at least 8 hours of sleep. I have some advantages over a lot ot people because I prepare food only for myself. This also makes me accountable to myself. I don't have anyone else to blame.

    Also, I'm not a food-nut. I can eat rather plain stuff. For example, I can bake chicken tenderloins or lean pork chops with just ground ginger on it and that's fine with me. Fresh fish, I typically put just ground lemon and pepper on it (I know sodium, but it's too boring without it). I eat brown rice or Ora-Ida Potatoes O'Brien (with lots of fresh Black Pepper) and veggies. I can do this over and over, and it's fine with me.

    So, while I eat whatever I want, I've adjusted my eating life-style to eat fairly healthy things.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Yes I eat whatever I fancy eating and I just make it fit in my calorie allowance. I eat sensible portions ofcourse (most of the time:bigsmile: )

    I think that's the only thing that guarantees weight loss success,because you don't feel deprived.

    I've failed on many diets before,so unfortunately I know what I'm talking about.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've had a cup of chocolate ice-cream and krispy kreme donut today. For weeks I've had up to 500 calories worth of cookies, cakes, brownies, ice-cream, donuts, and candy every day. (I have an EXTREME sweet tooth lately) I lost 2 pounds last week, and if you haven't noticed my ticker, I've lost 132 in total. There's your proof that you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight.
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