Lost, Gained, Ready to Lose Again!

Hello! Some background info about me...

I was never too overweight but in my last year of college I really stepped up my workouts in hopes of landing the perfect job. I was going to school to be a news anchor / reporter and the industry (and the viewers) can be very tough on your looks. My hard work paid off and I was in the best shape of my life after losing 20 lbs. Fast foward... I got out of school and landed an amazing internship (unpaid). I was commuting 3-4 hours a day due to horrible traffic and often worked weekends. This was in addition to my paying job as a waitress. This left little time for the gym. I was hired full time eventually which meant more commuting and the pounds came on quickly over the next 2 years. Although I always was a very healthy eater and vegetarian, I seemed doomed. I am still with the same employer but now in a different posotion with more free time...that is until I had my son in August. Free time- gone. Trying to get the baby weight off was tough. I was trying hard and not seeing results. I ended up going to a dietician who said my eating was near perfect. After two months of monitoered eating she believed I needed to see a doctor due to my slow weight loss. My doctor prescribed me phentermine. I lowered my calories from 1,400 down to 1,200-1,300 and have lost 24 lbs in 2 1/2 months! I joined this site because I know I will have to be a 1,200-1,300 calorie girl for the rest of my life to keep the weight off. My doctor believes my metabolism is severly slow. I have about 30 more lbs to go!

Has anyone tried phentermine? if so, what were your results? Any tips to rev up metabolism? I will not be taking this medecation after July.


  • kelliehagan
    kelliehagan Posts: 5 Member
    Interesting--I've never heard of phentermine, but I'm glad it's helped you. I've also had a hard time with my metabolism, but I'm pretty sure it's because of the migraine medication I take (one of the side-effects is, wouldn't you know it, weight gain). I started MFP by following their calorie goals to a T, but after a couple of months of losing *no* weight got disgusted and starting cutting back--way back. I've finally come to the conclusion that as long as I'm on the medication I'm on, I have to be a 1000-1200 calorie gal. Doesn't sound like a lot, I know, but I've lost 10 lbs in the past month and a half. And the funny thing about appetite is the less you eat, the less you want to eat--at least for me. I figure as long as I'm eating healthy (which I do--not vegetarian, but lots of protein, veggies, and fiber) I'm OK with the lower calorie intake.
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Great job in taking the first step to a healthier you. I've been on MFP since January, and this community has been amazing! I will tell you that MOST of the folks on here do NOT believe in weight loss drugs (pills/shots/etc.), starvation, deprivation, or fad diets. 99% of us have tried those things, and realize that a quick fix is NOT the way to keep the weight off. What does work? Eating right, exercising smart (i.e. cardio AND strength training), drinking water, sleeping well, and getting/giving support through this community. Sure, we would ALL like to lose the weight yesterday, but it just doesn't work that way. Working hard in all of these areas is the way to safe weight loss that lasts. YOU CAN DO IT!!

    Best of luck to you!
  • sweetsteph03
    sweetsteph03 Posts: 22 Member
    @ kelliehagen... It is always tricky to find that right calorie balance! I agree 1,200 can be a tough daily intake! I also found that over time you get used to it. If I go slightly over I don't stress and I usually give myself one or two days a month when I can have a few glasses on wine.
    @slimyfish... I totally agree on the Fad Diet, shots, pill, etc not being a quick fix. I was tested for a few different things that commonly play a part in weight gain and also saw a dietician for two months. My doctor recommended the phentermine for a short term boost to my diet goals. I think he knew I was very frustrated and had taken the steps to see a dietician, count calories, and be tested for thyroid issues, etc. He warned me that alot of people put the weight right back on after they finish taking phentermine. I think more then anything this medication has allowed me to lose some weight and build the excitment to keep going. I am excited to be new to the community and hope to find support and great eating/exercise tips!!!
  • ladyshills
    ladyshills Posts: 58
    Phentermine definately works but I have trouble sleeping when I take it. Remember Phen Phen from years ago? It was a combo drug that they ended up taking off the market because people were having heart issues. Phentermine is one of the two drugs that was Phen Phen. I suggest the 30mg instead of the 37.5 if you have any problem sleeping.. for me they both worked the same as far as suppressing my appetite but with 30mg I had a better chance at sleeping. I haven't taken it is over 4 years & did gain all the weight back after stopping- but that was my own fault. I too have to keep it at 1200 calories since I have hypo-thyroid. Good luck!
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    I resemble those comments and I totally understand yet my doctor didn't want to introduce a diet suppressant for me. I worked out about 5 days a week and hr each time. All that has changed and I'm currently dealing with losing again. With food and exercise in focus I was able to maintain a healthy weight for a few years. For me, I can usually eat anything as long as I'm exercising, however, I tend to eat better as I get fit. I'm 42, which changes a lot this time around. Eating needs to be calorie specific. A hard habit to break. My motto right now is "one day at a time"

    Good luck & btw: I think you'll find MFP to be really helpful.