what's the sorest you have ever been?

barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
and now long did it last?


  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    Right Now I did a medicine ball work out yesterday o rteh day before. I cant walk
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I did steps yesterday. I feel like a cripple. My calves hurt like I never would have believed. I'm praying this doesn't last more than a couple of days. I want to go for a run on Monday!
  • calebespnsmommie
    calebespnsmommie Posts: 111 Member
    Today for sure!! Today I did day 3 of the 30 day shred.. today I am having a hard time walking. I heard it is normal and by the fourth or fifth day it will go away.. just praying this happens!
  • pprbckwrtr
    pprbckwrtr Posts: 2 Member
    After my first half marathon, I literally thought I was going to die. My feet were swollen, my knees were screaming, and my back hurt. To top it off, my pants actually rubbed apart between my thighs halfway through, so I was bleeding there too. But I went home, took an ice bath, popped all my blisters, and slept for close to 15 hours. I hurt for about three days, but I've never hurt that bad since, even on subsequent halfsies. Hurt feels so good!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    i had shin splints a few weeks back. Honestly, those hurt the most I have ever hurt since begining exercise. I walked around the house like a little old wobbly man every morning for 2 weeks!!!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Week before last... a MONSTER 60min leg workout including weighted squats and lunges as well as dead lifts... followed by 60min (10 miles) on the stepmill. I was miserable for several days. By the 3rd day after it got a little better...
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    IT (IntensiveTraining) sessions-otherwise known as 'beatings' in boot camp. These would go on for hours at a time some days, I kind of miss them.
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Well, I know this isn't what you're talking about.... but once I got a full frontal sunburn. Lobster red. Stomach, thighs, chest, neck. Everything. It sucked. Oh, and my calves were pretty much paralyzed after my first two days of the 30 Day Shred :)
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    did any of you work out when you were that sore or did you wait to get better?
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    A couple of years ago, I was a lot less fit than I am now and I tried to do 30 Day Shred. HOLY COW I thought I would die. I couldn't really do much of anything for about 3 days. I am thinking of picking it up again and trying it out, but after the comments on this thread, I may not. :sick:
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Did a workout that included 6 minutes of Jump lunges.
    The next day I could hardly walk.
    I still exercised, though. The pain lasted 3 days but subsided a bit each day. By the end of the week it was just mild discomfort.
    I stretched out every day, too. The most helpful thing was going to a 90-minute yoga class. Even though none of the stretches were for the thighs, it helped so much.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I did workout, and did my usual Zumba 5 days a week. I just modified everything. I would feel better moving around because when I just sat around in pain it hurt worse. When I stretched and worked out, I felt better....
  • kristenanna
    kristenanna Posts: 33 Member
    After novice rowing camp, 3 days rowing 3 times a day. And yes i exercised afterwards, but not by choice! Coaches made me.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Killer 60 minute leg and ab workout at my gym this week. 60 minutes of supersets and cardio. I couldn't walk for 2 days afterward :)
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    After being persuaded into trying a TRX class for the first time by my mom...it literally took forever to sit down, stand back up, walk, basically move the next day (which I spent at an amusement park the whole day)
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    After first Insanity Plyo Cardio workout. My whole body hurt but I had to continue the next day and I did, but man, it was tough.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    a couple of years ago I carried my daughter (2yearsold?) through a bunch of caves, including one with over 200 steps up and down... the next day I could NOT step off the curb without tears. It was really bad just for 2 days, and the cure= walking!
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I have a good friend who is a personal trainer, and I recently visited her at her gym and took one of her circuit training classes. There was a TON of ab work (my weakest point), and then in the last circuit we did decline situps tossing a 6 pound medicine ball back and forth. My abs were the sorest I've ever had them for about 5 days. I kept working out, but MAN was it rough.
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    After my first half marathon! The hills were brutal and I was recovering from tendonitis and those two just didn't mix well. Couldn't walk normally for about 3 days! :sad: I've trained and recovered smarter on all my other halfs!
  • andreadleb
    andreadleb Posts: 16 Member
    it was after my 5 k walk for cancer i did last yearboy did my calfs hurt
    :happy: :happy: :noway: :love: