Afraid Im gonna take this stress out on over eating !

Well,I have been dating a guy off and on for the last four months,he seemed to good to be true so I tryed not to let myself fall to deep....we used to hang out with friends and my friends tried to tell me.....hes a flirt and not faithful to me ,I kinda felt that too but I always felt so good when I was with him so I wanted to see n feel this myself.....Well 2 weeks had went by since I saw him then fianlly I get the call ....oh he was busy working and could not call until now,we talked a little and I could feel this is my time to end it now ,but had to ask some unanswered questions about how he flirted with my good friends ..he got mad n upset and didnt really care what anyone said or believed but he loved me with all his heart...I felt so lost ,I know he is not right for me,I deserve way much better,I wanna find my soul mate someday and live life the way we all should but right now Im hurting and Im not sure why ....and it has been affecting my eating, I never hardly eat bars but today I ate 2....I dont wanna go back to taking my stress n pain out on eating,but im not sure how to deal with this right im looking for any help and suggestions on how I can really take my mind of this...I wanna lose more weight more then ever right now...I wanna buy myself a sexy outfit and someday happen to pass him and make him realize what he is missing and will never have again ! Please help...sorry for venting but had to get this of my chest ...Thank You x


  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    What I did, when I first started (this time) was to get on the treadmill to burn off some stress/anxiety/anger. I had some stuff going on that was too much to deal with, so I used exercise to burn off the energy and as quiet time to think/get my wits about me. It worked for me.

    In fact all the stress that was going on-I had to exercise-when I didn't I was overly stressed/anxious. And eventually, it became a habit....I started to miss it when I didn't do it. This was back in December.

    I have also used journaling as an outlet.

    hang in there, and remember that you deserve good things and that you are worth it. Keep your chin up.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Sorry to hear that you're going through this.

    You've already identified the first step in avoiding stress eating -- recognizing when something can trigger this. Now that you're more aware of this -- what can you do instead?

    When I'm stressed and feel like binging, I will first try some exercise. I often will feel much better after exercise, and often will no longer be hungry.

    I also find hobbies that I enjoy to take my mind off things.

    And venting to friends (including MFP ones) can help as well!

    Best of luck to you.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Working out is one great way to burn off stress. Go to it and enjoy it.

    Also, you do deserve better. Forget this guy and find someone who deserves your love :)
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    write. put it all out there on a piece of paper. even if the thoughts arent making any sense. anything that runs through your mind about the situation or life in general. what stresses you out, write. when you're done, burn it. it helps me every time.