Dog owners on MFP



  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    My profile pic is my baby Lilly, we rescued her just over a year ago. I can't imagine why any one would give her up. She is a Beagle/pit mix and so clearly shows each part of her mix. She is very protective and muscular just like a pit but loves to follow her nose and howl like a Beagle.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Wow those are some beautiful doggies! You've started something though, bc I can't post just one of mine, lol.

    Here my little girl, she's the oldest... a chihuahua/pug mix, named Tini. We got her when she was 8 months, so I don't really have any puppy pics, but here she is:


    And then a year later, we got Vito, he's a boxer/rottie mix and my BABY! Here's one of him when he was 6 weeks old...

    Then the two of them together when we first got him:


    And here he is all grown up:


    And now both together:


    I love them...:tongue:
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm really mad, i've spent 15 mins trying to get these to a smaller size. I give up...
  • jenikaze
    jenikaze Posts: 4
    I love all the doggy pics!! Here's mine. His name is Linkin and he doesn't give me a choice whether we are walking one day or not. Every evening he is very persistent that his routine be maintained, which includes a walk to the lake where he can run off leash. He was a rescue (2 days before euthanasia) and I think he is a Belgian Malinois/Malamute mix... whatever he is, I love him :)

    Brand new (to me), maybe 9 mo old...

    Happier & healthier, "today"...

    How to post pics in forum:
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Ollie and CJ




  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey, I know some people are having problems with smaller pics. Try uploading your pictures to photobucket, and then resizing them to something under 500 pixel (like 320x240 or it has a "more options" you can type in your own size). Or you can cheat if you have a facebook, upload them to your facebook and then copy the image link from there (facebook will shrink the pics for you).

    Hope this helps. LOVING all the doggie pictures so far! Super cute!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I'm such a dog lover. I'm at work and don't have any pictures of my Rotti with me. I will definatly post some tomorrow.
  • cynraz
    cynraz Posts: 11
    awwww all the pics look soo cute! would love to share but still don't know how to post pics on the site : (
  • jenikaze
    jenikaze Posts: 4
    I was just about to do the same thing!!! It was frustrating trying to resize them when the website was not cooperating. lol
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Who else has a dog? I want to see some pictures of your furry, tail-wagging friend(s), talk about all the wonderful and not-so-wonderful things they bring into our lives, etc.

    I'll start...
    I live with a female Alaskan Malamute named Chaco. She will be 2 years old on July 26th!
    She was this big when I first got her at 8 weeks old:

    11 months later...!

    (Yes, that's me in the first pic, and no, that's my cousin the second pic... not me. I haven't lost THAT much weight yet!)

    She is my third malamute, by far the most energetic and most baby-like in personality. She LOVES meeting people :) Sometimes I take her to Woodbury Commons (an outdoor mall) just so she can meet lots of people.

    OMG she is GORGEOUS! I have always loved those dogs. Right now we have an almost 7 year old English bulldog named Archer. He's basically a waste of space. He sleeps about 20 hours a day and can't go for walks. However, I just agreed to pet sit a friend's 3 yr. old black lab for most of the summer (still trying to figure out what I was thinking) and I am hoping maybe that will motivate me to walk more..LOL

    My absolute dream dog though is a German shepard which I WILL have one day. I will try to find a good pic of Archer to post later...
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    My fiancee and I have two dogs, GingerSnap, a four year old fur-clad alligator, and Beau, a three year old lump of sugar.

    Okay, so GingerSnap is a Dachshund, not technically a miniature OR a standard, as minis are only supposed to reach 11 pounds and standards start at 16. As you can see from her pics, I'm fanatical about my dogs' fitness. My vets always comments on how GingerSnap is one of the few non-overweight Dachsies he ever sees, and all three vets at our clinic scramble to see who'll get to see her because she LOVES to go to the vet. (they have cookies!) She destroys all toys and doesn't share, and wrestles with the cat hard enough that I worry for both of them. She'll pee on people who try to pet her while she's excited, but they do it anyway, even when warned, because, and I quote, "She's so CUTE!" She's my precious little devil dog who can get away with murder. (no, really, she killed one of my pet rats and I could barely bring myself to scold her because she rolled over and showed her belly)



    Then there's Beau. He's our rescued Basset Hound, and enough to make anyone a lover of the breed. His life's mission is to be petted by every single human being on the planet, and then, do it all over again. Until he gets petted, he'll watch you walk by, with mournful eyes, and go, "hooo, hooo, hooo!" at you. He's also a 60 pound lapdog, professional trashcan raider, and even when the cat is pouncing, biting and trying to get him to wrestle, he'll only headbutt him, and not bite. No dog has a softer mouth than Beau! He sits and cries whenever he sees a baby or toddler, and given the chance will follow them around, ever so gently licking them every so often. When some trick-or-treaters showed up last Halloween, he tried to go with them. (we have no kids for now, and we're no having any JUST for the dog!)



    And even though he's no longer with us, I have to share a picture of Sport LeBob. He was the best buddy ever, found him as a little puppy on Valentines day way back in '96, went though his knees going bad, being forced to move, unemployment, getting a new job, severe depression, moving again together. This past winter he developed a degenerative disorder in his spine and could no longer stand on his own, but even then, he was still always happy, playful, loving, everything a good dog should be. Even when his pain was at its worst, he loved people. My 8 year old niece spent the night once, and instead of sleeping in the bed, she curled up on the dog bed,arms wrapped around Sport, and stayed like that all night. He was literally smiling. That's the image of him I'll always hold in my heart.

  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I have 2 Shiba Inus named Bear and Foxy. This first one is from Christmas.

    ok I cant get the pics to work... they are in my profile.. I must be photo challenged today! sorry about that..
    Everyones dogs are adorable!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    OMG I Love this idea. PUPPIES! These are my two brats (and of course I'll have to show off the baby pictures)

    Jackpot as a puppy...not sure what mix he is, we got him as a stray.


    He's about 5 yrs old now...and this is him sleeping with our puppy chaos we just got last year.


    Chaos again as a puppy (he was so cute! Then he grew up haha)


    He just turned 1 last December 2010. He thinks he is a small lap dog, and is ALWAYS sitting on our daughters lap or sleeping on her lap.


    We have a Jackpot too, but these days he just goes by Jack. We also have a big fella who thins he's a small lap dog ... That pic is great!
  • tashajayne2011
    This is Fudge. She is 5 years old and I rescued her from life in someones conservatory (she was in there 18 hours a day) when she was about 18 months old.
    She stayed with my Mom at first because we were mid house move and while there she ate; a living room carpet, 2 rugs, 2 internal doors, some wall, a fireplace, curtains, my brothers gaming equipment and many many socks. Luckily she is very cute, lol
    Happily she grew out of that phase really quickly and apart from me being STILL unable to recall her when we are walking (she has to be on the leash at all times) she is a great dog.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Here's my shelter mutt.

    The day I brought her home:


    And all grown up:


  • vampylady
    vampylady Posts: 9

    I have been brought up with German Shepherds all my life, my last GSD died a few years ago and he was my biggest one yet (if we lived in the USA he would have been a Shiloh Shepherd but they are not registered in the UK so he was a GSD.... Here are a couple pictures of him....

    Posing on the lawn:
    Max - My Gorgeous Baby - RIP by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Relaxing on the sofa:
    Max - totally comfortable in his surroundings! by Vampylady, on Flickr

    When we lost Max to cancer of the spleen, and after losing our previous GSD to cancer, we decided to go for a cross breed, so decided on a Saarloos Wolfhound (GSD x Wolf basically), and here is a few pics of our Saarloos named Tacoda (apparently it means "friend to all")....

    Tacoda aged 2 months:
    Tacoda - aged 2 months by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Tacoda on the beach aged 3-4 months:
    Tacoda aged 3 months by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Tacoda, being part wolf, is very much a pack animal and loves company, so we decided on getting another dog as a companion for him, also my son wanted a pet dog....we went to look at some cross breed GSD's (GSD x Rottweiler), and we were smitten, and brought home Jerry-Lee with us.....

    Jerry-Lee aged 8 weeks with my son:
    Ben and Jerry-Lee (8 weeks) by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Jerry-Lee guarding the sofa:
    Jerry-Lee guarding the sofa! by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Tacoda and Jerry-Lee snuggled together when Jerry-Lee was a puppy:
    Tacoda and Jerry-Lee snuggled together <3 by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Tacoda and Jerry-Lee snuggled together just a few months ago!:
    Tacoda and Jerry-Lee lying together :) by Vampylady, on Flickr

    Sorry for so many, didn't realise I was putting so many on!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    "nosy" TB

    "Is my butt too big?"
    Joey " Here I come to save the daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay"
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My favorite picture of my babies. can anyone spell s p o i l e d ?

    My fav of Jojo
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    3 Australian Shepherds 2 brother and sister recently turned 3 in april and a 8 year old male turned in may (not as big a fan of the 8 year old the little girl is mine )

    when they were puppies


    3 years later


    My little Girl :)


    the 3 together


    Aussies have such 'soul' I swear when my girl looks at me she is saying "I love you mommy!" She also is so easy to train. Amazing animals <3
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My profile pic is my baby Lilly, we rescued her just over a year ago. I can't imagine why any one would give her up. She is a Beagle/pit mix and so clearly shows each part of her mix. She is very protective and muscular just like a pit but loves to follow her nose and howl like a Beagle.

    what a pretty baby