BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I am hoping to lose 30 kilos by December but with how slowly my weight loss has been going lately, not sure if that is realistic or not... what does everyone think???
I need some motivation? Maybe tell me how long it took you to lose weight?


  • I feel a bit like this too. I think i keep expecting to wake up and be 30lbs lighter and look good :/ It takes time. Just keep going, and always look at the good points, and the weight you're losing, instead of dwelling on things that dont go your way! We can do it :)
  • Don't get discouraged. It will come off. I weighed 285 ( Big girl) when I satrted this, almost a month ago. I am at 274 right now, weigh date is this coming Monday. I stay within my calories and walk. Every morning and evening, if I am off work. i have given myself a year to lose just at 85 lbs. Might be a bit out there but I am going to work as hard as I can to get there and if i don't get there at least i know I gave it my all, and that is what is important. Right now mine is coming off quick, but it will slow down. Just keep eating right and excercising and it will come off. I have faith in you. Add me as a freind if you like. soonskinny01
  • Antonnett
    Antonnett Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes you may not see the results on the scale but instead in the way your close fit, that's inspiration for me!!!!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I went through this too, you just gotta be patient and keep at it, you didn't gain 30 kgs overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. I'm in my 3rd month now and 12 kgs down, YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    You're doing great. Just keep doing what you're doing.

    You're doing the right thing by setting mini goals. They always seem so much easier to reach but remember to set realistic time goals for them.

    It's best to aim to lose around 1lb a week. You may find you can lose up to 2lb (1kilo) a week in the early weeks if you have a lot to lose. Losing 1lb a week on a regular basis will get you there in a way that you can maintain your weight when you get there with the long term changes in your eating habits.

    Perhaps you could also have some mini goals that involve measurements rather than weight (perhaps to be able to wear a particular clothing size). Sometimes when you are exercising regularly you can see a big change in your size and shape even when the scales don't seem to be moving very much. You may find you don't get to your goal by Christmas, but if you are exercising regularly you may find that you have shrunk to a size and shape you are happy with by then. Even if you don't quite get there, look at what you have achieved. You will have lost a significant amount of weight and you will have shrunk and become fitter and more toned.

    Have you taken a "before" picture? Sometimes that can help you to see just how far you have come. Perhaps take a new photo every 10 kilos so that you can see how well you are doing.

    It is usually the last 10lbs or so that are difficult to shift. You may find you get to Christmas with only a few stubborn pounds to lose. You'll basically be there but just need a bit of fine tuning.

    I have only recently started this so I don't know how long it's going to take me to lose the weight. I'm going to follow my own advice and hope I get there in the end. Good luck. You've got this far. I'm sure you can achieve your goal :smile:
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I lost 46 kilos in 8 months. I think that what you are wanting is possible. I think it will take a lot of dedication and you will have to stick with it through good days and bad. Just remember that once you pass midnight it is a new day, no matter what happened the day before. You can do it.
  • It has taken me a year and a half to lose 100lbs..Nice and slow is the way to go as you have a better chance of keeping it off
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