Starting P90x

cantwaitk8 Posts: 28 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I just started P90x yesterday with the chest and back routine. It was really tough. I really couldn't do very much of it but I gave it my best. Does anyone know how long it usually takes of doing the program until you can actually do the exercises instead of just doing 1-5 in modified ways. I can do only a few push ups on my knees right now. The ab workouts were crazy! I guess it probably really depends on the individual but I am just curious to hear anyones story. Thanks everyone.


  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I am on the last 2 weeks of the program. And I still struggle with some of the DVD's. I am finally to the point of doing Ab Ripper X all the way through, except the bonus Mason Twists. Plyometrics still leaves me gasping, and I no longer have to take unscheduled breaks. It really depends upon your beginning fitness level as to how long it will take. I know the first month I fought, screamed, and groaned my way through every workout, even the recovery week. The 2nd month was a little better. This final month has been the best. I feel like I have mastered the moves, even if I can't keep up with them all the way through. It does get better, so don't get frustrated. I thought I was in shape until I pushed play.
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    I am on the last 2 weeks of the program. And I still struggle with some of the DVD's. I am finally to the point of doing Ab Ripper X all the way through, except the bonus Mason Twists. Plyometrics still leaves me gasping, and I no longer have to take unscheduled breaks. It really depends upon your beginning fitness level as to how long it will take. I know the first month I fought, screamed, and groaned my way through every workout, even the recovery week. The 2nd month was a little better. This final month has been the best. I feel like I have mastered the moves, even if I can't keep up with them all the way through. It does get better, so don't get frustrated. I thought I was in shape until I pushed play.

    I'm on the tail end of week 3 and I'm in a similar boat as LifebloomLMT. Everything is super tough and I wake up sore every day. Mind you, I don't mind waking up sore. It makes me feel good in some sick, demented way. Just take your time, work within proper form, and like Tony says, "Do your best and forget the rest." Good luck and have fun with it!

    It definitely works. I've lost 1.5 pounds, 1 inch off my stomach, 1 inch off my chest, and added 0.5 inches to my biceps.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey there girl.. congrats on starting P90X.
    I think it depends on your fitness level - but its not about doing it perfectly its about showing up and giving it your best.
    I am in the middle of Phase 3 right now... and do this day I still cannot do more than 20-30 minutes of Plyo without it affecting my running and leading to excessive soreness for the next few days. I have never made it all the way through, nor have I made it all the way through Legs and Back...

    But I dont beat myself up about that ... when I started I started with 1/2 videos for 2 weeks. Then I progressed to 1 full video per week, and so on! If you wanna friend me ... feel free ... despite all of the modifications of the program ... I have still had amazing results... Photos/60-Back-1-1.jpg
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm just reaching the end of Week #3 now (Recovery Phase, I need you!), and I was doing Kenpo X yesterday and still had to pause the DVD for a moment a little while into it to take a break. That's totally normal. You'll get better. Make sure your form is on target and give those reps that you can do your very best effort. I started with dinky little 3 pound weights when I started a few weeks ago, and I was doing Arms this week and thinking to myself "Am I even lifting a weight right now?" So, I went out and bought a se of 5 pound and 8 pound weights. I'm looking forward to doing the whole thing again in Month #2 and lifting heavier weights.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Chest and Back and Plyo kick off Classic in the best sense of "get the hardest out of the way first"...both workouts are hella intense. I will echo the others...the mantras are cheesy but very much on point... "DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST" and "KEEP PUSHING PLAY!!". My only advice on this is to try the harder move first before day you will surprise yourself that you actually did a full unmodified move and that is an NSV in and of itself.

    I will send you a PM with a link to a support group for P90X...we officially kick off tomorrow, but you are good...I started my second round with Chest and Back yesterday and just did Plyo this morning. I am a one round veteran of Lean and this is my first Classic round. We have about 25 people committed to this new thread...I would love for you to join us!!!

    Good luck!

  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    Hey there, I just started week 5 and the guys are right, some of the stuff is still pretty tough but you get through it. I found push up bars a great help and you will be able to do more and more along the way. Im not messing around with the pull ups at home so Im using the bands and do a couple of pull ups at the gym. Trust me you will feel and see the difference very soon and it feels soooo good :) Feel free to add me for support and if you have any questions. Always find it very helpful to talk to someone who is doing the same program :)
  • cantwaitk8
    cantwaitk8 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks so much for your reply. It helps me focus on getting there! I knew I wasn't even close to in good shape before I started lol. Yesterday just confirmed it for me WOW! I have plyo tonight. I hit a plateau just going to the gym and I needed a change. It seems to have worked I lost a half of a pound since yesterday morning. ;)
  • I'm 12 days into P90X Lean, and yes it's a challenge...A serious challenge.

    How long it takes before one is able to do the exercises unmodified, I'd think is a function of your starting fitness. I know I do many of the exercises (especially the Yoga and Ab Ripper X) modified because I started waaayyyy out of shape. Though, even in the short time I've been doing P90X Lean, I've already noticed that my flexibility and energy levels are much improved -- along with being on a -5lb/wk weight-loss pace. And whereas, in Week One, I couldn't do one downward dog, in the just completed Yoga segment two days ago, I was able to complete the position a couple times, which takes (a surprising amount of) strength and flexibility.

    I bet if you do the program faithfully, by the 2nd or third week of phase one you'll find that you're able to do more reps of the modified exercises AND even do more of the exercises in the unmodified fashion. :happy:

    Lastly, if you're doing P90X Classic, you may want to consider doing P90X Lean first, to drop a few pounds and increase your fitness level, then after completing it, move back to P90X Classic and see how that works...

    Not to sound trite, but like Tony says in the DVDs "Do Your Best, Forget The Rest." I think that's perfect for this situation. *Your body* will let you know when it's ready to do more unmodified exercises.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Link to the forum thread for P90X support...25+ people are kicking it off tomorrow...feel free to join in the fun no matter where you are in the program!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I just started today!!
    Although im not starting properlly until i get back from my holiday in a couple of weeks..
    This will be like a test run lol.
    Im just doing the Core Synergistics for the first time.
    Figured i'd start on Monday.. even though it's sunday.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I finished a round of P90X and, for me, even toward the end I struggled with several of the "moves". However I did see improvement from week to week and that gave me motivation to try-it-again each time. Good luck!
  • Rodneymc4
    Rodneymc4 Posts: 62
    Hey sister,

    My wife and I are starting week 7 tomorrow and If you remain consistent with your workouts--don't skip ANY days, maintain proper form on all exercises and "do your best and forget the rest" you will be fine. It's VERY important to write everything down so you have a goal the next time you do the exercise.

    I don't work for Beach Body, but I guarantee improvement if you stick with the program and don't quit. The only thing I had a problem with in the beginning was Yoga (go figure) but I still can't grab my hand under my butt and between my back while in prayer's twist. My wife takes a break on plyometrics after knee jumps but we keep up for the most part and it helps having a partner to motivate and push. I refuse to let my wife out do me in any of the exercises so she is motivating me more than she knows.

    We use the 3 band resistance bands and perform an isometric hold on each concentric phase of the exercise. My pull-ups and chin-ups have improved 10 fold. I can do more pull-ups at 45yrs old than I've ever done in my life including my time in the military. I love this program.

    Oh my wife starting doing Ab Ripper X in the morning or evening but not doing ab ripper right after doing the other workout. It was a good idea because we both have improved the quality of our ab exercises and I can now do the hard version of each exercise. As long as you do ab ripper on the day scheduled on the program, I don't see why you have to do it back to back.

    Get some resistance bands--a wonderful tool for improving strength and form safely.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
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