Calorie Question



  • jaystacers
    jaystacers Posts: 50 Member
    Negative Calorie Foods! Are They For Real?
    Negative Calorie Foods ~ Vegetables
    cabbage (green)
    cauliflower celery
    chili peppers
    garlic lettuce
    Negative Calorie Foods ~ Fruit
    lemons mangos
    pineapple raspberries

    The quote below came from the Negative Calorie Foods Site:

    “All foods have some calories. No food is actually “negative calorie” food. BUT the overall effect of certain foods in our body is that of “negative calories”. Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain!

    Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Here is the other thing. And I am going to be firm about it. From a total health perspective, are you really planning on eating that much pizza tonight that you can't eat anything else all today? This does not sound sensical. Eat pizza, but plan better. Even on a 1000 calorie day you should be able to eat 3 meat lover slices and still have 400-500 calories left. My thought: go back to the drawing board. This isn't a long term solution. The insulin spike you'll create after you fast all day and then eat a high glycemic load will not be favorable to your goals. Find out how many calories you have left. Log several different amounts of pizza until yu come up with the number of slices that allow you to at least get 400 cals throughout the day, make sure they are mostly protein and good fats (no saturated fat, you'll get plenty tonight along with those high glycemic carbs).

    Follow this, you can do it!

    This is the best advise!! Nice!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Hi how about porrage? I use Quakers Oat so Simple as it's already measured, I use semi skimmed milk and its around 200 cal you could make with skimmed milk or water for even less cals. I don't know if that is more calories than you were thinking but it will fill you up and save you thinking what else you could eat?

    I'm in the same boat today I'm eating dinner in 2-3hours and im hungry but ive just had a banana, some sultanas and a yoghurt which is about 320 cals and i still feel hungry! wish i'd had something as filling as porrage!

    Fiber helps keep you full! And it's good for you too. What ever beans you like (navy, kidney, black beans, etc.), find a low fat recipe, full of flavor/spices and it will keep you full and satisfied.
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    Here is the other thing. And I am going to be firm about it. From a total health perspective, are you really planning on eating that much pizza tonight that you can't eat anything else all today? This does not sound sensical. Eat pizza, but plan better. Even on a 1000 calorie day you should be able to eat 3 meat lover slices and still have 400-500 calories left. My thought: go back to the drawing board. This isn't a long term solution. The insulin spike you'll create after you fast all day and then eat a high glycemic load will not be favorable to your goals. Find out how many calories you have left. Log several different amounts of pizza until yu come up with the number of slices that allow you to at least get 400 cals throughout the day, make sure they are mostly protein and good fats (no saturated fat, you'll get plenty tonight along with those high glycemic carbs).

    Follow this, you can do it!

    Please do tell me what kind of meat lover pizza you can eat three pieces of and still have 400-500 calories remaining on a 1000 calorie diet... I am totally confused as the only pizza I can see, peperoni only is still very high in calories.

    Not being ungrateful for you input just totally confused and I don't think planning to eat two slices is crazy.
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    Don't eat empty calories, eat filling healthy calories. You never want empty ones :P That's just eating to eat.

    You could have 2 cups shredded zucchini sauteed with 1/4 cup hunts tomato sauce and some feta. It'll come out to be around 75-85 calories, very filling, and will prevent you from binging on pizza because you wont be starving(: Give your body what it needs.

    Interesting will try this soon! Sounds delicious.