Meemawpa Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, so I have to give kudos to my brother and sister in law for introducing me to MFP. We have rediscovered our relationship after many years of being apart and I soooo need them. Yesterday was my first day on this. WHEW!!! is all I can say. I've decided that movement is gonna be harrrrd because I have several things working against me. I have fibromyalgia, lymphedema, a slipped spine, sciatica, allergies, high blood pressure. and achilles heal tendonitis. Plus depression is playing a large part of it as well as i don't have ANY support at home. So, this site is going to be my saving grace. I have to say, that i've come to realize that weight is what's caused many of the problems i have. Go Figure, lol. I'm trying to get my daughter in law to get in on this with me. She lives close to me and that will be helpful for both of us to do this. I NEED THIS!!!! I need encouragement. I'll give back all i can to help people. That's what i like to do, is help people.


  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hi there & welcome from another newbie. Good luck with your weight loss & do friend me if you'd like to. Geri in UK
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Welcome to MFP
    I started last week and the support is brilliant.
    Add me as a friend if you want too - we can do this!
    Jules x
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I have been on here for 2 weeks now and I have to say that while I don't have the physical problems that you will be battling, I suffer from Bi-polar, and I can tell you that the last two weeks have really really been helping my attitude, I'm not having as much of a struggle with my depression side of the bi-polar, I work out most everyday walking outside and between the workout and the sunshine and fresh air, I can feel my mood really moving up after I workout. I wish you all the best on here and know that you can do it :)
  • italiansweetheart
    italiansweetheart Posts: 24 Member
    Good luck, just remeber, one day at a time! You can do it!!
  • orojen
    orojen Posts: 4
    Everyday is a challenge, but the satisfaction and the rewards are amazing. You will not only see the health benefits of course, but also it is a boost to your confidence!. Enjoy your workouts, do things that are fun for you, yet challenging; and try different food, you will be amazed by how you will be looking at healthy food in a very different way, and things you never thought you'd like will become your favorite. Most of all be really proud of taking this first step!
  • thadreamer
    thadreamer Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome! You will be happy here... In Just a week and a half I've lost 4 pounds and everyone is great! The support is priceless.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    Wow, and Good Luck. I think that you will find that as you start exercising (do it slow to start) and losing weight, you will start to feel better and better. I started this with uncontrolled asthma and allergies and within 2 months, I was off all of my inhalers and most of my meds in general. You can do this and you and your Drs will love you for it!
  • Hi there! Welcome to the site. I'm new here too. Good luck and hang in there! I have heard many good things about this site. It is overwhelming at first - there is soooo much great information, but baby steps are good at day at a time. I think with support and determination you will accomplish all your goals. :)
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Congrats on renewed relationships with family members. Welcome here find friends here. Ask for advice/help when you need and otherwise enjoy. Remember its not a race to get healthy just take it day by day.
  • bnjajoyce
    bnjajoyce Posts: 23
    It really helps to friend some of the people on the site. The ladies I have friended have been an amazing help and boost for me. They give you little messages of encouragement every day. It helps me eat better and get my daily excercise knowing that someone else is watching my progress.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome! I've been here for almost a year and love it. I have lost all I wanted but still maintain. I am on here everyday. I hope it never shuts down.
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