Advice for the 20-Something Party Girl



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I am in the same boat you are.. 23, just finished college and while I don't have a full time job, I substitute as a teachers aid.
    When I was at college, I drank like a fiend, ate out all the time, and always got pizza after a night of getting smashed at the bar and ballooned from 140 to 180.

    Honestly, as bad as this sounds, what helped me lose my 20 pounds(10 on here and 10 before I joined) is stop eating out as much and finding friends that didn't care to go drinking every night. I'm not saying that you should stop eating out entirely or stop drinking entirely but as others said cut back. Now when I go out instead of focusing on how much I can drink and how drunk I can get, I take a more responsible approach and only have one drink.. maybe two max. Also a lot of time, I have to drive myself or friends home.. so I can't get drunk anyway.

    Also, you can't just exercise more and pray that it makes up for what you did the night before.. it doesn't really work that way. You need to start eating healthier(even if it is one meal at a time) and drink more water. The water will help flush the toxins from the alcohol out of your system. Exercise will help.. but its not the answer to everything. This is as much of a lifestyle change as it is diet and exercise. Part of that lifestyle change has to be not drinking as much and not eating out as much... its just a fact of life.

    P.S sorry if this really long and I started rambling.. theres so much I want to say and I'm not exactly sure how to say it all!