Weight Watchers

Just for giggles I signed up for WW 7-Day Free Trial. I noticed that they don't go on calories, when you add a food to their database it asks for Fat, Carbs, Protein and Fiber. Yesterday when I logged my food on MFP and WW the difference was ridiculous! By the end of the day on MFP I was within my daily goal but on WW I had gone over my points. This just leads me to worry, am I actually eating too much? The past few weeks I haven't been on my best behavior but by no means going overboard and this week I gained 1.6lbs. So maybe I am in panic mode because I've lost 25lbs so far using MFP but now that it's getting down to the last 10 that I would like to use it's getting hard!

Has anyone else tried WW?


  • Time2BSkinny
    I've done it before! I had great sucess and lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I ate 18 points a day and worked out for a half hour each day
  • mrsrunnerchick
    I do WW in addition to Mfp to see the difference and what I love about WW is it encourages good food like fruit and veggies.
  • cmduncan
    cmduncan Posts: 69
    I tried weight watchers for a while about a year ago. I found it very difficult to lose weight because it felt hungry ALL the time - which is probably why you went over your points. The pounds/week weight loss goal might be higher for WW.
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    I just switched from WW points plus to MFP and I have felt better and lost 2 pounds on my first week of MFP. WW is really great but i think the new points plus system is not their best. I would get 29 points a day and on the new points plus a 110 calorie yogurt was 4 points! I was always over on points and getting very discouraged. I'm sticking with MFP.
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    It has been many years since I've done WW, so it was before they went to the Point system. I lost quite a few pounds using WW, but as soon as I quit, the pounds came back on very quickly. I think that MFP has "opened" my eyes to how my food intake really affects my weight.
  • sarahbarah25
    I think that most programs out there are very good...and all WORK...however, it's up to the individual to be honest, record properly and STICK to a plan. I Love MFP and I too have tried WW. I lost 40 pounds through WW and found it very easy. I like MFP because it's FREE!!! WW can be very expensive. Just my two cents (=