hard to eat right

cas122777 Posts: 33 Member
i eat breakfast on the way to work. usually it is a Carnation shake (any flavor) and a mug of coffee. once i get to work, i eat about 5 cookies (i have a HUGE sweet tooth). I eat a variety of different things for lunch because i only get 20 minutes for lunch. soda is my drink of choice, although recently i have bought MIO (sp) to put in water instead of drinking soda all day. For dinner my meals are so random, but i try to include veggies with dinner and a choice of meat or fish. i only started to track my diet on June first so it is hard to say whether my choices are working. Any tips for my lunches and things to try so i feel more full and snack less?


  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I wrote this, it's a nutrition guide for beginners, it talks about how to get started in nutrition.
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    maybe get up a little earlier in the morning and try and eat a full breakfast eggs toast milk or oatmeal( if you like it). This will help you start off a healty way each day.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    My lunch is generally leftovers from dinner. Just eat regular measured portions of meats, veggies and fruits and maintain your calorie target. Dump the pop and any junk food ie cookies unless they are all natural and even then they are sugar loaded so not a good every day food. Once you learn food values is easy to choose your menu.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    For breakfast you can make a smoothie with soy milk or skim milk. I use whey protein, frozen strawberries and maybe a 1/2 banana added in. Much better and more filling then carnation drink. Easy and fast!!

    You should make up your lunch the night before, maybe using leftovers of that healthy protein and veggies. Bring nuts with you for snacks and drink lots of water during the day.

    If you want this you can and will make it happen :-)

    Good luck!
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    Usually for lunch, I eat a healthy choice meal and a fruit. I have only 30 minutes, so I know how hard it is to eat in a short time. I have enough time to nuke it and eat it in that time. Then if I have to, I eat my fruit at my desk. I make it a point to eat a bowl of cereal in the morning. I also measure everything I eat, so that I know exactly what to tell MFP. And you could plan your days, I take enough to work with me so that I don't have to hit the vending machine at breaks or convenience store we have in our building. I allow myself 1-2 Dove dark Promises a day so that I can quench my sweet tooth and if I DO think I'll want cookies, I take just one serving with me and savor each bite.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Stop with the soda and drink water. Step away from the cookies! The breakfast drinks are full of sugar.
    Wake up 10 min earlier and make yourself a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit, or oatmeal or an egg sandwich with some veggies or salsa on low carb bread and take it in the car with you. For a snack try 1/4 cup low fat granola with some dried fruit and nuts. Or some Cut veggies and hummus. I love the spicy chipotle, I don't like the plain, Some wheat thin crackers with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, or some low fat popcorn. For lunch make yourself a big salad with lots of veggies or a wrap with veggies and some grilled Chicken or Tuna, Soup and some pita chips. Look for easy healthy recipes online. There are so many sites, I'm sure you can find something you like. It does take some planning and effort but it is so worth it.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Yes, I would lose the Carnation breakfast. It's full of sugar and has very little protein. If you have a proper protein shake, it will have more protein and less calories and you can bulk it up with fruit.

    Bring an apple (or some other fruit) to work with you. If you happen to be hungry after having a more filling breakfast, eat the apple instead of the cookies.

    Sandwiches and salads for lunch. Go for whole grain breads, lean proteins (turkey, chicken, etc) and bulk up the sandwich with lettuce, tomato, grated carrot, thin slices of cucumber, etc. Or just go for a salad. I have a great container that has a built in dressing holder in the lid so the salad doesn't get soggy.