Running and needing the loo!

swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
TMI thread so don't read on if you don't want to discuss toilet habits :P

Sometimes when I run I get the most intense stomach cramps, the type you get when you really need the toilet, and sure enough as soon as I get home the first thing I have to do is run upstairs and use the bathroom. I have cut so many runs short or had to walk home because of this and it's very annoying.

I know from looking online it's something a lot of runners experience so I am not alone but I never been able to work out why it sometimes happens (I'd say 1 in every 10 times I run). I have tried all sorts to try and work out a pattern but it just seems to be totally random!

Has any one else that gets it managed to work out what causes it for them, or have any suggestions of other things I can try?


  • Are you a newish runner? It happened to me a lot when I started running. Do you keep track of what you are consuming before a run? that might make all the difference in the world. I now know that 1 cup of coffee before a run gives me the pep I need to run. 2...I'll be running to the toilet (or the woods) after 1 1/2 miles. lol

    Also I eat something a little more substantial about 1- 1 1/2 hours before a run to give me fuel but not something that will go through me quickly. I used to eat a banana. Now I have a piece of whole grain toast with a smear of peanut butter and I've found it works well for me.

    Here's a little more TMI- have you REALLY tried to go before a run? I swear sometimes I feel like a might give myself a hemerrhoid but it's so hard to continue a run when you have to stop to poop. LOL

    Good luck!
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