College, 12 hours of classes a day... what do I eat in a sch



  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    @ Tonya.

    Thank you for posting. I've been worried about eating at night, but due to my schedule, I do on Mon-Fri. I get off work around 5.30, workout, pick up my dog, go home, shower, feed the dog, then me. It's a rare weekday night that I am eating before 8.30 or so. I have rearranged my meals so that I am following the eat every 3-4 hours rule, making my lunch more in calories than my dinner. [Though now I'm wondering about that, since you said about going too lon to eat p.m. ---> a.m.?]

    I try to eat some carbs at breakfast [oatmeal] and lunch [1/2 low carb pita] and not too many at my evening meal. [After working out I try to focus on lean protein and veggies, though may add 1/2 a sweet potato twice a week.]

    Most of my weight is belly and the area between my bra and belly. I've read about cortisol but am unsure about it, since they stress can cause cortisol weight gain, and it's easier to eat less than to have less stress. [so it *seems*].

    I have also been known to eat in the middle of the night. This has not been an issue for months, thankfully! I think it has to do with getting better nutrition [good foods not just good amounts], but when I feel I *need* something I have 1/2 a yogurt or an oz. of lean turkey or chicken.

    Any thoughts? Thank you again for the info.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    Things that got me through long hours in the computer labs in college:
    1) babybel cheese
    2) raw almonds (in 200-calorie bags)
    3) fruit... bananas and grapes are the best as they are quiet (for eating during class haha) and travel-friendly
    4) a really filling breakfast - Bob's Red Mill "Right Stuff" hot cereal and a fruit smoothie
    5) protein powder in my to-go mug of coffee!
    6) deli meats and ww crackers

    I like making big portions of the hot cereal on the weekends and eating it throughout the week. Good luck in school! I know how hard long hours in class can be ;P losing weight while being on campus can be brutal...
  • mapexdrummer69
    Adverse effects caused by cortisol in short term fasting? I'm curious to see the studies if you can post links.

    Anything? Not being rude, I'm sincerely curious.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Adverse effects caused by cortisol in short term fasting? I'm curious to see the studies if you can post links.

    Anything? Not being rude, I'm sincerely curious.

    Sorry, I have a life and didn't see the first post until now, but here you go.

    This study was done regarding cortisol levels of pregnant women who fast for Ramadan. Basically, this fasting is from dawn until sunset for approximately a month. This fasting is basically the opposite of normal eating patterns where we eat from dawn to sunset and fast overnight, but the results are the same. It showed a significant increase in serum cortisol levels at only day 20 of the fasting period when compared to the week prior to the fasting period.

    This study was basically to establish baseline readings to show the patterns in cortisol levels. If you look at the picture at the bottom of the page (Figure 1), you can see that the levels on the far right are at night (prior to fasting overnight) and are the lowest. The levels on the far left are immediately after awakening (after fasting overnight) and are elevated. The levels in the middle of the picture are 30minutes after awakening (without eating or drinking anything in the 30 minutes since waking so still fasting) and were the highest levels measured.