New to myfitnesspal...

Hi everyone. I started myfitnesspal on May 26 after realizing that I had gained 22 pounds in the past 3 months. Not only was I eating unhealthly (I'm a stress eater), but I wasn't excersing enough. Then I find out that I am pre-menopausal and have to start taking hormones. I'm hoping by combing a healthy diet, basic exercise / daily activity, and getting my hormones back in balance, that I will get back lose the 22 pounds I gained and lose those extra few that refused to come off last year.


  • JenKoz4
    JenKoz4 Posts: 37
    your plan sounds great! You shouldn't have a problem at all with that.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome! You'll do great using MFP - it's an amazing tool and fantastic community :)
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member

    I see you've already lost 3lb - well done! MFP is a great source of support and motivation, there are always lovely people here to spur you on. Good luck!!
  • gail0713
    gail0713 Posts: 7
    I started back on the 28th. The tools here will really help you see how you are doing. Good luck!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    you're very wise to start a program now that you are pre-menopausal, so can take charge...MFP is a great site, with many tools that are very helpful with your journey.....though i have used MFP since aug/2010, i had not use the message boards....what a great forum....good luck