newbie 2 questions: reaching your calorie goal and exercise


Now I know this has been discussed many times before, but I am really new to this site and cannot find the relevant information without commiting myself to hours of forum searching.

I have been given a goal of 1200cals a day, and have recently found some info saying I should try and get as close to that as possible to avoid getting into "starvation mode". Now, I've cut out the junk food (mostly!) and have spent a week trying to keep my meals healthy: in doing so I seem to be hitting well under my calorie goal when taking exercise into consideration.

So my first question is: How on earth do I reach my goal each day, if I should indeed be eating my full 1200 (+exercise extras) every day? I am pretty full by the end of the day, and I don't *feel* like eating any more. Without resorting to "bad" foods (more cheese, meat, alcohol, pasta, potatoes, sugary treats), how do I get my meals up to what MFP says I should be eating?
I have opened up my diary so everyone can see what I have eating on my first week here at MFP, and I would appreciate any advice.

My second question is: I have set up my activity level as the lowest possible (I work in IT so spend all day sitting at a desk). Does this mean that I record any activity I do, even if it's a daily thing? (Like my walk to the station for work, or my walk round the supermarket, for example).
So I do 15 minutes of brisk walking to get to work (and 20 minutes of slow walking on the way home!), do I record this on my exercise log, and therefore earn extra calories?

I'm trying my best but am so confused by all this! :ohwell:


Your newbie friend,



  • Bwalker12
    Bwalker12 Posts: 2
    I hope you get an answer, because I am having the same problem you have.
    I cannot reach my calorie goal of 1240 a day.
    Why, because I am also tryin to leave all junk food along, plus do my workou on the tread daily.
    At times, I get so confused, because I cannot reach th calorie goal.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    eat some spoonfuls of peanut butter with a glass of milk you'll hit it
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member

    To bump up your cals i say fruit is the way forward ! its normally good for cals, and fiber etc..... banana's tend to be around 100 cals so they are always good !

    Defo log your walks !but you will find that as you do the system will say to eat more cals. now doing this works for some and not others!

    you need to see what works for you !

    I would say get your cals up to 1200 per day, regardless if you walk or work out of not. ! it will stop your body freaking out and storing the energy as FAT.

    Feel free to Request me
  • sexylily
    sexylily Posts: 68
    I was having the same problem and by being under my calories I stop losing weight cuz my body went on to starvation mode. So I decided to reach my food goal as closest as I can and sometimes I even eat my exercise calories. And when i did that i lost weight imidiatly. Check out my diary to get some ideas but if u can't reach your food goal calories just eat Fruits or some natural nuts they have lots of calories & the good fat ur body needs. Hope that helps.
    About ur exercise calories I sometimes eat them all or sometimes none that has not changed my weight loss just try not to starve yourself & eat healthy
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you guys. I have eaten some walnuts tonight to try and get my intake up, but don't think I could face eating some fruit.. too full!
    I will try to add some into my meals and see where that takes me. It's just a shame that I really can't stand bananas, so it will have to be apples for me (the easiest to get hold of)

    Any more advice is very welcome, as I'm sure more input make a more informed person :)