MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm curious as to WHO here has ever run a FULL MARATHON.

I started out 7 weeks ago doing the C25K. I'm still 3 weeks away from completion! I plan to do the B210k following the C25K. My HOPE is to run a half marathon 1 year from today (roughly) so June of 2012 and then end running a full marathon in October of 2012 alongside my sister (hopefully, if she agrees to it) in honor of my sons who live with Cystic Fibrosis.

I know this is a HUGE task and I would have a LOT of training ahead of me in the next year and a half, and I fully intend on doing what It takes. However, I'm wondering, can it be done?

Any suggestions, advice, inspiration, encouragement, constructive criticism etc that I can get from fellow runners who have completed this daunting task, is VERY much appreciated. I'm curious as to whether or not this is possible and if this is something i should shoot for. OR do you think this is so far out of reach that i should scale it down!?

Thank-you for any input.


  • Behavioral
    Behavioral Posts: 60
    I haven't run a marathon. I'll start by saying that. I started C25K in January, then transitioned to Hal Higdon's plan this month. So far I'm up to 8 miles on my long runs. I'm planning to run a full marathon in September, so I hope it can be done. I'll let you know.
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    I have "completed" 2 full marathons. I won't say I ran them. The training I had for the 1st one(Honolulu 12/12/2010 7hrs 55 mins) was endurance training so they were focused on completion w/out injury. Both times there was extreme weather conditions so I walked the majority in order to complete. The 2nd was LA(3/20/2011 8hrs 1 min) and we had a horrible storm/monsoon that day. 5/14/2011 I ran the PV 1/2 marathon and the weather was great 3hrs 5 mins. So if the weather is good and you train it can be done. I would suggest hiking and lots of squats and leg presses to make your legs stronger. Stay consistent w/your cardio "daily" and start practicing yoga (for stretching).

    You'll be just fine if you keep in mind that there's more than just running involved. Best wishes to you!!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I haven't run a marathon. I'll start by saying that. I started C25K in January, then transitioned to Hal Higdon's plan this month. So far I'm up to 8 miles on my long runs. I'm planning to run a full marathon in September, so I hope it can be done. I'll let you know.

    What is Hal Higdon's? I'm intrigued.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I have "completed" 2 full marathons. I won't say I ran them. The training I had for the 1st one(Honolulu 12/12/2010 7hrs 55 mins) was endurance training so they were focused on completion w/out injury. Both times there was extreme weather conditions so I walked the majority in order to complete. The 2nd was LA(3/20/2011 8hrs 1 min) and we had a horrible storm/monsoon that day. 5/14/2011 I ran the PV 1/2 marathon and the weather was great 3hrs 5 mins. So if the weather is good and you train it can be done. I would suggest hiking and lots of squats and leg presses to make your legs stronger. Stay consistent w/your cardio "daily" and start practicing yoga (for stretching).

    You'll be just fine if you keep in mind that there's more than just running involved. Best wishes to you!!!

    Congratulations on completion of 2 marathons! That's incredible. Walking is an essential part of a marathon I assume! I've heard of many people having to take walking breaks, etc. That's amazing that you've been able to complete two already! I'm inspired! Right now I'm doing ChaLEAN extreme and C25K. I will have completed CLX by August 2nd and on August 8th I am beginning turbofire a long with running 3x a week. I plan to work my legs to the maximum to prepare for any type of races I participate in. I definitely want to build up my leg strength. Great advice. I appreciate that a lot. I'm definitely going to keep up my cardio conditioning and try for endurance, not so much speed in the beginning. I'm not saying I want to complete a marathon in 5 hours or less etc, I just want to complete :)

    Congrats again on your success.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Nvm, just checked out Hal Higdon's and that is FABULOUS. That is perfect for after I'm done B210K.
    Thank-you!!! I'm SO looking forward to this :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Nvm, just checked out Hal Higdon's and that is FABULOUS. That is perfect for after I'm done B210K.
    Thank-you!!! I'm SO looking forward to this :)
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I started running less than 3 months ago. C25k, got bored after 4 weeks, jumped to bridge to 8k, got bored after 2 weeks, did a 10k run, the following week ran 1 hour, 2 weeks later i ran 1 hour and a half. Last week i ran 21k, half marathon distance. I am aiming for a marathon in september. I was litterally a couch potato but built up strength with jillian 30 day slimdown program followed by p90x. I still have 9 days to completion. I told myself if i can survive p90x i can run. A marathon is 20% physical and 80% mental. I am the biggest nerd there is and i am stubborn. So yes i believe it can be done. January 16th the day i decided i had enough of being fat i was obese, i am still overweight according to my BMI. If you believe you can do it you will do it.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I started running less than 3 months ago. C25k, got bored after 4 weeks, jumped to bridge to 8k, got bored after 2 weeks, did a 10k run, the following week ran 1 hour, 2 weeks later i ran 1 hour and a half. Last week i ran 21k, half marathon distance. I am aiming for a marathon in september. I was litterally a couch potato but built up strength with jillian 30 day slimdown program followed by p90x. I still have 9 days to completion. I told myself if i can survive p90x i can run. A marathon is 20% physical and 80% mental. I am the biggest nerd there is and i am stubborn. So yes i believe it can be done. January 16th the day i decided i had enough of being fat i was obese, i am still overweight according to my BMI. If you believe you can do it you will do it.

    I agree that running is a mental game, definitely. It's all about pushing yourself. I started out not being able to run for 1 minute at a time. Last week I ran for 25 minutes. I know that if i keep going, I can build my way up! It's all about wanting it, and wanting it badly. Congratulations on your success!!! I love to watch people run. It's very inspiring to me. I want to be there and I want to do that :)
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    When i started c25k i could not run for a minute either. I can't believe how far i've come in such a short time. I can run for over 2 hours non stop now. I am currently 157 lbs. So about your weight but i am older than you are. You seem strong minded. I believe you can do it. Good luck.
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I have done 3 full marathons and working on my 9th, 10th and 11th half marathons this year.
    Jeff Galloway is an awesome reference for beginning runners. I use his interval training and have taken 1 1/2 hours off my marathon time, and a half an hour off my half marathon time.

    There are some great programs out there. Team in Training is also a great program for beginners too. If you ar interested I doing something good for others and yourself at the same time.

    Or find a local running store that has training programs.

    You can do it, it takes a lot of discipline, and time. But you can do it. PM me if you want more help
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I have done 3 full marathons and working on my 9th, 10th and 11th half marathons this year.
    Jeff Galloway is an awesome reference for beginning runners. I use his interval training and have taken 1 1/2 hours off my marathon time, and a half an hour off my half marathon time.

    There are some great programs out there. Team in Training is also a great program for beginners too. If you ar interested I doing something good for others and yourself at the same time.

    Or find a local running store that has training programs.

    You can do it, it takes a lot of discipline, and time. But you can do it. PM me if you want more help

    thank-you so much for this information!! I REALLY appreciate it :)
  • Behavioral
    Behavioral Posts: 60
    I'm so glad I was able to be of help! Keep me posted, would you?!?!
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