Not very new, but first time to post in community boards :)

Hi guys,
I started my MFP journey back in December 2010 after my husband discovered the phone app and had a 20lb weight loss while using it (he no longer uses mpf and gained back about 5 to 10 lbs).
The app and this site has helped me lose all 40lbs that I had gained during my pregnancy last year. Now I'm on a mission to lose what I call my "wedding weight" lol. That being the 27lbs I had gained during my first year of being married lol.
I also want to be healthier and fit and set an example for my son.
I would love to make friends on here for motivation and support :).

Currently I try to have a net calorie intake of 1200. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and do the elliptical/arc trainer for 30 to 45 mins. I would love to start strength training but it is kind of hard to do in the family room when no one else but me is keeping an eye on my son (who's only 10months old).
I have done only level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred but stopped due to schedule conflicts and a bad back (which I am currently trying to get over right now). As soon as I get better I am going to redo 30 Day Shred and after that Ripped in 30.
My food diary is currently private simply because it is not consistent just yet (missing days and meals).
I have also been stuck at 177lbs (my prepregnancy weight, after losing over 40lbs) for several weeks now and is kind of bringing me down :(.

If I could get any advice from anyone about losing weight and building muscle tone I will gladly listen :).


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have been a member for almost a year. I have lost the weight I wanted and do it now to maintain. I love it and you will too. Just log on everyday and be honest. Try to limit your processed and fast foods. If you cook it you can usually make it healthier and in turn will benefit greatly. One day at a time, Slow and steady what ever works. Just don't give up. It takes a little getting use to before you realize what is good and what is not. Take your time and learn and the rest will come. If you have any questions just ask , someone is always on here to answer. Good luck and welcome.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I've been around for a little over a year. Hit my goal and added another 5 to it. My rule of thumb, If it gets past your mouth and into the tummy....Log It. Exercise helps a great deal. I hit a glitch with back problems a while back. Took the doctor 6 months to figure it out. Bad news is nothing can be done about it. Good news is I am leaning to live with it. My loss may be slower because of this but I will finish what I started. If you need any help just give a holler out.

    Best wishes and Welcome.