Cravings before bed :/

laurajp90 Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys, I need help, I have been really good and eaten really healthily today. Breakfast and lunch were a bowl of Special K, dinner I have jacket potato with salad and prawns with low fat mayo. For snacks I've had a special k bar, and some carrot sticks with humus. But it's nearly bed time for me but I keep having cravings and wanting more food! I've drank lots of water to make sure its not thirst. How can I make sure that I don't snack? And how can I get wanting to snack out of my head! its so frustrating! Help please, I'm scared that I'm going to yoyo again :/


  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    If youre constantly craving before bed you arent gettign enough calories throughout the day, or enough nutrients in the calories you are eating. Try taking a multi vitamin if you arent already, and possibly try protein bars instead of your special K ones. Protein take longer to digest leaving you fuller longer
  • ladyluck5210
    ladyluck5210 Posts: 78 Member
    My cravings are always at its worst before bed.. What I do is listen to this song.. Right There With You by Anarbor. I think the lyrics make perfect sense! ;) "Cause late at night, wrong sounds more appealing than right.."
  • bexxw
    bexxw Posts: 44 Member
    I'm just getting started and have a really similar problem, one thing I've found is that if I'm low on protein I'll be hungrier at night.. It seems like milk, prawns, and houmous were your main sources of protein all day, so you may be low.. Try adding a protein shake or bar or egg wts for breakfast

    When I'm really craving something at night but don't want to blow my calorie count too bad, I go with cucumber slices covered with salt, lime juice and Tabasco.. Its salty and spicy and crunchy so kinda like chips but really low cal and.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    I find that I often confuse true hunger with boredom. At times like that I will grab a breath mint (I really like the Lifesavers Wint-O-Green) to give my mouth/taste buds something to do. Same would go for a piece of sugarless gum. Of course, if you are truly hungry then you should eat something. Try eating a small handful of almonds. Very filling, and a healthy choice.
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
    I find the same, and agree with the others more protein will make you fuller for longer. Also, I find a stick or two of celery before bed helps. It barely affects your calorie count and actually is proven to help you sleep.
  • even though i take vitamins, eat enough calories and always go over protein, this happens to me too. butter free popcorn and sugar free jello have been a lifesaver...someone on the board suggested it to me and I'm soooo glad! it saves late night gorging for sure!
  • rickster2663
    rickster2663 Posts: 6 Member
    I think a lot of people have cravings near bedtime. I usually save some calories just for that reason. Try eating a lower calorie high fiber snack. That usually works for me. Many people get all freaked out over eating in the PM but there is just as much science saying calories are calories whatever the time, as there are saying no PM snacks.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    even though i take vitamins, eat enough calories and always go over protein, this happens to me too. butter free popcorn and sugar free jello have been a lifesaver...someone on the board suggested it to me and I'm soooo glad! it saves late night gorging for sure!
    YES!! Sugar Free Jello with a squirt of Redi Whip on top is my late night go to. Even if I have TWO! It's still probably 50 calories max including the whipped cream. They are my first line of defense before the bowl of cereal starts calling my name. :-)
  • laurajp90
    laurajp90 Posts: 3
    Thanks guys! I will definitely try your suggestions :) your all very helpful so thank you :heart:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you have the calories available then eat something. A banana, s/f jello....yogurt. Its not going to hurt you.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    You would do better to replace the second bowl of cereal for something more nutritious and filling.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    TIME. Night cravings will go away once you break the late night habit and see progress on the scale and in the mirror. I used to devour food at night, now I don't even think twice about it.

    Oh yeah, gum helps. ALOT.
  • Try having some herbal tea with a sugar free sweetener or some protein .. it's bad to eat carbs before bed. I have had sugar free Twizzlers before and just kind of lightly chewed them .. it may work for you. GL!
  • Johnmez
    Johnmez Posts: 6 Member
    Special K and special k bars are mentally high in sugar they are both spiking your blood that's why you are having cravings try 100% rolled oats slower burning carbs or better still protein in the morning carbs midday protein at night
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If I ate nothing but cereal for breakfast and lunch, I'd be ravenous from dinner right up until bedtime.

    What are your total calories for a day like that? Are you meeting your goal (which I'm guessing is probably 1200 and likely not enough :wink: )?

    Add some more protein and healthy fats to your day - these are much more satiating and will likely help you ditch the cravings. I'd ditch the cereal and go for eggs and whole wheat toast for breakfast, maybe with a piece of fruit. For lunch, have some meat - tuna or chicken on a salad or sandwich (use all the meat and half the bread). Add some avocado to the sandwich or salad, and have some hummus with fresh veggies for dipping on the side. Snack on raw nuts, apples with a piece of cheese or dipped in peanut butter, or Greek yogurt with fruit.

    Eating "diet-y" foods will only get you so far - you're already experiencing cravings for "real' food. Learn to eat the good stuff in healthy portions, properly fueling your body with the right amount of cals. You'll lose the fat and it will be sustainable loss - no more yo-yo dieting. :smile:

    Good luck!
  • Dregg
    Dregg Posts: 66 Member
    Drinking water/herbal tea will make you feel less hungry, chewing gum works too sometimes. Also, you could have a 50-100 calorie snack late and you will not have to go to bed hungry, just plan for that in your day.
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