
How does everyone set their goals to reach by a certain date? and let everyone know?


  • kristiedavis1
    Most people seem to be setting personal goals and then making them part of their signature that attaches on board posts. I look forward to seeing if others post with different ways they do this since I am fairly new too.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    That's the way I do. As far as how to decide on the goal, mine are special occasion days. I counted the number of weeks to the date then just multiplied by my weekly weight loss goal. I have noticed some people will show past goals they didn't quite make. I know that wouldn't work for me. If I see I'm not going to make it to an upcoming goal, I make adjustments to make that goal attainable. I don't see this as cheating because I'm really working hard. However, I know that if I see "failed goal" on my profile every day, it's going to bring me down and I really don't want to give up!