**Warning** (to Those With Tunnel Vision about Weightloss)

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
This is just my friendly advise and my opinion. I want to help and see others have the success that I have been fortunate to have.


When I started a little over a year ago, I was so focused it was hard for me to really concentrate on anything else. I was constantely working out, counting calories, weighing myself, measuring myself, researching other things I could do, looking in the mirror, obsessing over details of my body, working out more, complaing to my husband....on and on.

I have been struggling on the switch to maintaining. I will say that I feel it is important to be strict, but let yourself have a life and REALLY focus on other things as well. I don't want to feel like I have to workout everyday of my life or feel like I have done something wrong. I also feel a little lost without something to focus on. I am not comfortable with the new amount of calories that I am "allowed" to eat according to MFP. I feel it is too much. This trasition has been a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I am happy that I can wear cuter clothes, but I don't want to live in constant fear about my weight and calories consumed.

I am not sure if I am relaying my thoughts properly, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up about being too focused. Good luck everyone.:heart:


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    You make so much sense - I have been thinking about it over the past few weeks - I am focussed every day - but trying to "let go" just a little bit...... I went out for dinner with friends the other night, and at some point went to the bathroom, so that I could log my food!,, that is when I realized I have to let go a bit....

    Congratulations by the way on achieving your goals - great effort..
  • robinsjr
    robinsjr Posts: 1
    Good advice and awesome results! Congratulations.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I totally get you. I have actually been having this problem. My whole life (the last 3 months) has been about nothing but weight loss and exercise. My 7 and 4 year old even know. My bf has even started saying that I'm getting ridiculous. IDK, its just helps me to stay focused if I'm "always on".
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I find myself obsessing a little bit too. I'm trying my best not to become a weight loss obsessed freak. That's why I let myself have a craving day when I eat what I've been craving all week.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    You must be channeling me today!!! I ate too much over the weekend(i was up from friday morning to saturday afternoon walking and jogging at our local Relay for Life) and literally alll day i have been feeling so guilty and cant quit thinking about it! I am so close to my goal, and have been so bad at the lose and gain thing i dont want to do that, so i feel like lately i am more obcessed with it then anything! I am not a person who gets addicted to anything, but i have to be honest calorie counting and working out...i need therapy for!!!!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I think that is why I regained the weight I lost (80 lbs!) years ago. I was tired of worrying about everything I ate, when I would next it, what it would be...you know what I mean.

    This time, I am trying to be less obsessed (not doing to well with that either, but I'm trying!). Thanks for sharing your story!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    You make so much sense - I have been thinking about it over the past few weeks - I am focussed every day - but trying to "let go" just a little bit...... I went out for dinner with friends the other night, and at some point went to the bathroom, so that I could log my food!,, that is when I realized I have to let go a bit....

    Congratulations by the way on achieving your goals - great effort..
    I seriuosly did the same thing the other day!!!
  • netats
    netats Posts: 1
    Great Advice! I am a former dancer (ballet, tap, jazz, musical theatre) and am always focused on the minute details of my body. I have never been "overweight" by society's standards but am always too big by my own. Rarely so I enjoy a family gathering because they always revolve around food. I should stop and eat the fried chicken sometimes. Congrats on your results!
  • tiaydew
    tiaydew Posts: 89 Member
    You put into words some of the the thoughts I have been having myself lately. I want to continue on this weight loss journey but it can't be a constant run of working out and counting everything I eat. I spent the last weekend at my sister's house, no internet, long days and constant food. I just ended up giving up and letting loose a little bit but felt guilty the entire time. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    When I first started this journey, I had major tunnel vision. All I thought about was weight loss, calorie counting, working out, etc. After awhile I got tired of it. It consumed my entire life. Do I want to spend my life being consumed with this? NO.

    That being said, it DOES take time to get to a point where you are comfortable letting go some. Once you learn about serving size, portion control and such -- you'll find that you can breathe a little. You'll gain confidence in yourself and the choices you make.

    I may not log food for the rest of my life or I might. Right now, I like being able to go back and see what I may or may not have eaten that is affecting my weight loss right now.

    I do think that once you've been heavy and have worked really hard to get the weight off - you'll always be marginally consumed by weight loss thoughts. I know I want to keep the weight off, so I have to let it still be there. But, it doesn't have to be in EVERY single thought!
  • monicainacoma
    monicainacoma Posts: 84 Member
    wow, that was very inspiring. you're amazing!
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    You make so much sense - I have been thinking about it over the past few weeks - I am focussed every day - but trying to "let go" just a little bit...... I went out for dinner with friends the other night, and at some point went to the bathroom, so that I could log my food!,, that is when I realized I have to let go a bit....

    Congratulations by the way on achieving your goals - great effort..

    I have done this!! I have also found myself writing down EXACTLY what I am eating and how much so I don't forget. I was completely obsessed. I am doing my best now to get back on track with a new normal, but like I said, it has been hard. (and thank youfor your nice words)