OPRAH with Dr. Oz's Health and Fitness Tips

NolynAndrea Posts: 13
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
If any of you watch Oprah she has Dr.Oz on for health and fitness advice on Tuesday's- not sure if it's every Tuesday or just once a month- but despite the fact that he kind of annoys me he has some very usefull hints that could help so many of us. Like . . . .
Eating whole grain bread with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil to slow to curb your appetite
Incorporating high fiber intake in your first meal of the day- it will help you consume less calories the rest of the day AND fills you up
The circumference of your waist should be no more than half your height, said Dr. Oz. Waist size, relative to height, is a better indicator of your fitness than weight
Takiong 10 deep breaths in the mornign and evening ( deep belly breaths) can help with weight loss- I actually missed the reason behind this when he explained and googled it but couldn;t find it. sorry.

But anyways his tips of health and fitness could be of help to some of us as we venture tolose those pesky pounds that are not welcomed on our bodies.



  • If any of you watch Oprah she has Dr.Oz on for health and fitness advice on Tuesday's- not sure if it's every Tuesday or just once a month- but despite the fact that he kind of annoys me he has some very usefull hints that could help so many of us. Like . . . .
    Eating whole grain bread with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil to slow to curb your appetite
    Incorporating high fiber intake in your first meal of the day- it will help you consume less calories the rest of the day AND fills you up
    The circumference of your waist should be no more than half your height, said Dr. Oz. Waist size, relative to height, is a better indicator of your fitness than weight
    Takiong 10 deep breaths in the mornign and evening ( deep belly breaths) can help with weight loss- I actually missed the reason behind this when he explained and googled it but couldn;t find it. sorry.

    But anyways his tips of health and fitness could be of help to some of us as we venture tolose those pesky pounds that are not welcomed on our bodies.

  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Dr Oz also talks about pre packaged foods and what not, I try so hard to buy organic, fresh and sugar free and organic frozen and still you read the labels and see where some foods come from and see how it's made and geez, I might as well not eat.

    I like atkins, dr oz and the diet info dr phil gave and I am trying so hard to follow, but sometimes it is so hard, gas prices, school shootings, lay offs, grocery prices.....

    I know seem like a lot of excuses??

    But it is real life.

    I have started working out more, right now I am doing a 7 day plan and a 14 day Atkins, but the stress is killing me.
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