Do you guys eat the same thing everyday?



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Like for dinner I had grilled chicken, mashed potatoes & a TON of veggies. Seems healthy, right? But it still came out to over six hundred calories. Even when I try to make things at home & have them be healthy, I feel like I'm failing. :sad:

    Over 600? Was it the potatoes? You could try sweet potatoes instead to cut the calories down.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Like for dinner I had grilled chicken, mashed potatoes & a TON of veggies. Seems healthy, right? But it still came out to over six hundred calories. Even when I try to make things at home & have them be healthy, I feel like I'm failing. :sad:

    That's where it comes down to portion sizes :) For the meal you're referencing, I checked out your diary. Try having just one portion of chicken (4oz) instead of 7.5oz. Cut the salsa down by 2 tbsp, and you save 25 cals. Cut your butter down to 1/2 tablespoon, or try Becel, and you'll save at least 50 calories. Throw on another cup of veggies. Having tons of veggies IS awesome, you're absolutely right. And you're NOT failing, you are trying and that's what matters!

    Another trick: mock garlic mashed potatoes. Lower carb, lower calories, and I promise you JUST as tasty. 1/2 c. serving is only 70 cals! :)

    Recipe here:

    So with those small changes, your 625 just went down to about 350 :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Me Me Me!

    I'm a substitute teachers aid, and so I always pack the same thing for lunch.. Turkey or Roast beef sandwich on wholegrain bread, oranges, and water. For breakfast its always either a bagel thin or eggs and toast.. dinner is whatever I feel like at the time. I'm one that hates change, so anything too major of a shock would prob. kill me(ha ha).
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't eat the same stuff every day, but I do plan my daily menu one or two days ahead of time. If I don't, I'll spend at least 30 minutes before breakfast, trying to figure out what to eat! (I did the same thing even when I wasn't counting calories/ eating healthy...)

    I used to just write down my calorie counting on a journal, which I still do, but to facilitate planning, I started using a calorie counting software. It's much easier to play with different menu items on the computer than it is on the paper!
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    I log all my food for the coming day in the morning before work. Keeps me more accountable without a chance to 'make it up as I go'...sometimes I might vary but not much. I never eat out and my food diary is pretty boring. Pretty much the same thing everyday but it works for me. I have to keep it strict or I fall off.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm a picky eater, so I tend to eat the same things everyday. Sure, there might be SOME variation to it, but not a whole bunch. I don't do it because it's easier to track food - I do it because I just don't like a whole lot of things. lol.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    Like for dinner I had grilled chicken, mashed potatoes & a TON of veggies. Seems healthy, right? But it still came out to over six hundred calories. Even when I try to make things at home & have them be healthy, I feel like I'm failing. :sad:

    Well if you talk to a dietician/nutritionist (as I have many times) or even look it up on the web, you may be shocked what a "serving" is. A serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards. Mashed potatoes I believe is 1/2 cup. On veggies you can prolly go pretty wild - unless you have 'em the way I like 'em - with butter or cheese sauce, in which case you gotta measure out the proper amount. Restaurants in America give us such HUGE portions that we have no concept of what we really need. When I started eating TRUE portions a few weeks ago, I thought I'd starve. Turns out that it's not an issue 'cause I eat every 3 hours anyway. :happy:
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    i make up a list of different meals and snacks and how many calories are in each. then i keep it on my fridge and all ingredients are usually in my fridge or pantry. if its a hard workout day with strength training i make sure to consume a little more calories and protein. and the reference sheet helps so i dont just indulge in a little of everything. i will say most of my meals are the same. but snacks vary from day to day to keep my days a little easier.
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    That's where it comes down to portion sizes :) For the meal you're referencing, I checked out your diary. Try having just one portion of chicken (4oz) instead of 7.5oz. Cut the salsa down by 2 tbsp, and you save 25 cals. Cut your butter down to 1/2 tablespoon, or try Becel, and you'll save at least 50 calories. Throw on another cup of veggies. Having tons of veggies IS awesome, you're absolutely right. And you're NOT failing, you are trying and that's what matters!

    Another trick: mock garlic mashed potatoes. Lower carb, lower calories, and I promise you JUST as tasty. 1/2 c. serving is only 70 cals! :)

    Recipe here:

    So with those small changes, your 625 just went down to about 350 :)

    I had less chicken at first, but I wanted more. I just can't stop stuffing my face. My love for food is my biggest downfall. :explode:
  • tanyamg
    tanyamg Posts: 30 Member
    Like some people have written here... I tend to look at the calories first (plus having the app on my ipod touch makes life easier). Maybe you could try this and keep a tally in your head or.. if you know how many calories you have left ask yourself, is it worth eating this? View those numbers like money. If you want sometime sweet try a smaller portion and cherish that bite, this always helps me... and speaking of that .. I hope this helps...
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    I started out eating basically the same thing everyday. I realized that after 2 weeks, I was going to get sick of everything fast and I'm in this for the long haul. I started logging my food diary a day ahead. So, I figure out what I'm going to eat the next day, put it in my food diary and make sure that all the calories were below my goal. Then, the next day, I just stick to what I planned.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I had less chicken at first, but I wanted more. I just can't stop stuffing my face. My love for food is my biggest downfall. :explode:

    A love of food is what got us all in the situation we are - so you are in the right place! We are just trying to learn to love OURSELVES more :wink:

    Try this one - tends to work for me when I'm craving more than 1 serving of something: Tell yourself "Ok - I want more, and I can have more - in 30 mins." Because it takes 30 mins for the "full" signal to get from the stomach to the brain. So, in 30 mins if you are HONESTLY still hungry (and not just still savoring the taste) - have more. But to get the taste out of your mouth you should brush your teeth or chew gum. Quite often we just want more of that good flavor that's in our mouth, even though not truly hungry. You can do it!!! :smile:
  • redstickmark
    redstickmark Posts: 2 Member
    I work shift work, and when I'm on day shift I do eat the same breakfast - peanut butter and honey on whole wheat.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My breakfast and lunch seems to be the same few things.
    Breakfast - oatmeal or Greek yogurt
    Lunch - wheat flour tortilla with either peanut butter or sunflower seed butter and strawberry preserves.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I HAVE to plan ahead or my meal plan just falls apart! On weekends, I make all my food for the next week. I weigh and measure out my breakfast greek yogurts into containers, bake a pan of chicken or turkey breasts for lunches, measure out my veggies for lunch, make up a big salad of mixed greens, peppers, tomatoes, etc., chop up fruit for dessert, and cut up carrots and celery for snacks. Also, I make something in the crock pot or stove top for dinners the next week. I'm a lousy cook, and I don't have a lot of time in the evenings, so this way I can just measure out whatever for dinner and add my veggies and I'm good to go. Same with lunches - in the morning, I just grab the next set of containers out of the fridge since it's pre-made and throw it in the cooler. Done. Saves me time and hassle, and allows me to stick to a healthy meal plan that fits in my calorie and nutrient goals for the week. Yeah, it's a hassle spending every Sunday morning doing this, but it's worth it for me. I found that when I didn't plan my meals and just grabbed whatever was quick and easy, I usually chose unhealthy processed junk that made me fat.

    Oh, and if you're still hungry, eat more veggies! They fill you up for very few calories. I eat about 2-3 cups of veggies at lunch and dinner, and about 4-5 oz. of lean protein. Less meat, more green wins every time. Good luck!
  • Jwarulz
    Jwarulz Posts: 3
    Yes I do.I can eat fish anytime of the day.I feel satisfied and it gives me energy to make it thru the day.
  • maggiedcs
    maggiedcs Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah, I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. The only meal that I vary is dinner and that's because I have a husband and a daughter to feed and neither of them has a weight problem. :-/ I could probably do better if I found something I liked and could have for dinner everynight, but I don't see that happening...
  • nita79072
    nita79072 Posts: 10
    Ive noticed that if I dont plan ahead, I will eat over my calorie goal, so If i have to have boring meals, then I guess that is what it takes. I need self control with food because I love it so much. (the wrong stuff) :)

    Goal 20 Lbs...
  • Alka97
    Alka97 Posts: 74
    Well because im on my diet for a long time so usually i know how much calories it is if not im trying to check it before i eat :D
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I pretty much eat the same stuff each day. I know what I like, what is good nutritionally and fits into my calorie/macronutrient targets. I am also single so I can just make up a massive batch at the start of the week and it last ages :smile: