new nursing mom, with hypothroidism....

hey guys, I have a 3 month old baby girl and im nursing her so i have to be extra carful about my diet. About 5 days ago I started a raw food diet except for at dinner I have some kind of cooked protein. I have also had hypothyroidism for about 10 years and it makes it even harder because I have to change my dosage of thiroyd replacment every 10 pounds so i can keep losing weight. I am just sooo frustrated about being this big and am trying to have the patience to do it the healthy way.


  • Kedralea
    Kedralea Posts: 15
    Hi! I'm new here too, but I'm also breastfeeding, I don't have hypothyroidism though, Best of luck to you!
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Ive had hypothyroidism for about 11 years...I've never heard about changing doses based on weight loss...I go in for my blood test in a couple im curious
  • mynewself
    mynewself Posts: 22
    welcome! cant help u much with the hyperthroidism but as a nursing mom of an 11 wk old, i have to say im here to support. make sure u add me as a freind if ud like and dont forget to add in your nursing calories everyday. we burn 3-500 calories just for feeding our babies! :smile: just type in breastfeeding in the food data base to look it up.
  • yashua28
    yashua28 Posts: 2 Member
    hi, I have hypothyroidism as well. I am watching my carb and sugar intake... I totally understand your frustation... but hang in there, you are doing well.
  • hannahgray
    hannahgray Posts: 23 Member
    Ive had hypothyroidism for about 11 years...I've never heard about changing doses based on weight loss...I go in for my blood test in a couple im curious

    I only found this out after I got pregnant. The doc told me thats the reason why I was having such a hard time losing weight.
  • hannahgray
    hannahgray Posts: 23 Member
    :smile: thanks fo rthe ecouragement guys
  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
    My daughter is 3 now. I nursed her for 22 months, and I, too, have hypothyroidism. My highest weight since my daughter was 248 lbs. I currently weigh 222 lbs. Trust me when I say, I totally understand! I know you can do it! There are so many success stories on this site :) and I know soon you will be one of the success stories too :) Good luck!