1st weigh in zero lbs lost

Ok so I have been tracking my calories here for the past week and today was my weigh in day which I have managed to loose zero lbs I didn't track my measurements last week so don't know if I lost any there. I am a bit disappointed to tell the truth but before I would have hit the fridge or take away menus but I just feel more determined to fight harder this week. I did start weight training last week so that could have something to do with not loosing also I upped my water intake yesterday by over half a liter as was under drinking with 8 glasses for my body weight i should be drinking 82 oz.
I have been on a diet for about 5 to 6 weeks now ( 2 of these I was just cutting back) and have lost over 5kg so 11lb so maybe I have just hit a plateau. I did notice yesterday some more definition in my legs so the toning exercises seam to be working

Any suggestion on how to keep myself motivated the rest of the week?
I have a 1200 a day diet for the start of the week i was eating the 1200 but not my exercise cals shoulf I be eating 1200 net or saving exercise cals?


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'd suggest eating back some, if not all of your exercise calories. That helped me this week - I upped my maintenance calories (as I'd underestimated) and have been trying to eat back my exercise calories. I posted a 1.2kg loss this week. Yay!!

    I'd also suggest taking measurements of bust, hips, waist, bicep and thigh. I worked really hard and expected much more from myself in the first three weeks of being serious - I've only lost 2.5kgs, but have lost quite a few cms in all areas. It's more reassuring when you don't post the scale losses that you want if your measurements can back up what you feel you have been doing.
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    If you started working out more last week you can just be holding some extra water weight. The muscles hold extra water to help repair themselves (totaling a couple pounds). So you could've actually lost fat, but the water weight hides it. Stick with it, it's gonna happen. :-D
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Be sure you are weighing in at the same time of day each week. Women's body weight can fluctuate A LOT throughout the month and throughout the day. It's not uncommon for me to fluctuate up to 10 lbs throughout the month just from the periodic gain/loss of water weight.