How brisk is brisk?

I've been entering my walking exercise as very brisk (when almost at maximum), brisk (pretty quick), moderate (comfortable but above 'normal' pace).

I've just measured out a 35-minute walk on a major thoroughfare using Google maps at 4.2 kms. This suggests my maximum speed (maintained over 35 minutes in work clothes) is 7.2 km/hour ... well above the brisk pace rate on myfitnesspal (4.6 km/hr).

Is that even possible? Google must be wrong, surely.



  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I walk at 6.9 - 7.0kph on a 5% incline so yep it's possible.
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    You're either a pretty fast walker, or Google is wrong... ;-)
    I walk 30 minutes every day at a very brisk pace, and my gps device estimates an average of 10 min/km (with hills and everything).
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    7.2 kph is just under 4.5mph which is listed in the database as a very, very, brisk pace. This is definitely achievable. Average walking speed is 3mph or 4.83kph. Power walkers can achieve speeds of 5mph or 8.05mph. I'm looking forward to the day when I need to enter the calorie burn on a 5mph walk into the MFP database. :bigsmile:
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Thanks guys! You've made my day!!! (or night, here) :)

    I've been seriously underestimating my burn. Not such a bad thing.