? for those treating PCOS with diet

I have mentioned before that although I do not actually have PCOS, I do have some hormonal problems that I am trying to treat with a similar diet. Do those of you who have had success with treating PCOS with diet alone find that your symptoms return with even temporary lapses? I have been on vacation for about a week and a half and while I balanced diet and exercise enough to not gain (YIPEE!), I did have renewed symptoms. I suppose it could have been the stress, but I am concerned that I have to become even stricter with my diet.


  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    For me, one or two days doesn't really effect it. A week or more does. I think its going to depend on the severity of the hormone disorder, and your stress levels. I know that with PCOS each person's disease is different from the others....so I am betting you will get a variety of answers.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I have control my PCOS with medication for years however I think now that I have lost over 30 pounds it will help with my check ups as far as my sugar levels. I know my doctor is thrilled that I am losing weight as am I. Good luck to you.