hit Plateau already?

I am new at this myfitnesspal but I would like to share a little bit of what's going on with me for some advice as well as support from others that are also trying to lose weight.

I am 5'4 and currently weight 165. My weight has always being around 150 to 160 but then I had a problem with my back last year that resulted in a bulged disk on #15 (I think). Because of this situation I couldn't exercise for the longest time resulting in a gain weight up to 171.

Now, I've been on a diet/exercise routine (finally the doctor gave the o.k. to workout) since April 28th. So far I've lost from 171 to 165 but now the scale is NOT moving at all.

I've been going to the gym 3 times a week doing elliptical, treadmill and a little bit of toning with weights, about 1/2 an hour of everything, each time, as I don't want to push yet, cause my back still hurts at times.

Is it possible that I've hit plateau? Why is the scale not moving? I do feel my body is loosing inches but that's about it.

If anybody has the time to read my food log (don't know if others can do that) or give me some advice, I would really appreciate it.



  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    Right now, I'm getting ready for work, so I don't have time for your food log. But, I wanted to encourage you...
    In my opinion a plateau is when NOTHING is happening! Your losing inches girl! Your body is "recalculating!" Just keep mixing things up here and there, and keep up the commitment! :)
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    If you can feel your body losing inches, you're losing. When you're just starting an exercise program, stop weighing and measure progress by how you look and what your measurements are. Those things are much more important than scale number.
  • mierla
    mierla Posts: 25
    If you're losing inches, then maybe you're gaining muscle, which means if your weight is staying the same you're losing fat. Google 'body fat percentage calculator' and focus on losing body fat for a few weeks, then all of a sudden you'll see that scale moving again!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You need to make your diary public.
  • jesskreg
    jesskreg Posts: 75 Member
    I've been been 170-172 for the past four weeks, so I know how you feel. I agree that you probably haven't reached a plateau since you are losing inches. Just try to switch things up a bit- different excercises at different times/days and/or different intensities. Maybe try a little more strength training as well. As your body gains muscle, you'll lose fat. Good luck! I know it can be frustrating. :smile: