3 Week Plateau??

I'm looking for some help and advice. I should start from the beginning. I started MFP on 1/21/11 and was right around 295lbs. I'm 5'8" with a large frame stocky build. On 5/13/11 I weighed in at 255 lbs. I had been losing right around 2 lbs per week steadily all winter long. I wasnt doing much exercise except for working my arms on a nordic rider machine. on 5/13/11 I started rollerblading 5-7 miles per day everyday. I log it in my exercise part of MFP and it says for my 30 minute skate I burn aprox 400 calories. I've been drinking plenty of water and eating the right foods. Now its currently 6/6/11 and my weight is.......255 lbs! Three weeks of continuous exercise and I have not lose even a single pound. I realize that you lose the really bulky weight faster but it just seems like everything shut off completely. Does anybody have any advice? The only thing that changed was adding rollerblading to my daily routine and everything shut right off.


  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Make sure you're checking your measurements. :]
  • emeraldpearl
    emeraldpearl Posts: 60 Member
    You mean for three whole weeks you didn't gain any weight.....WOW, I think thats great. It could be the other way around. keep your head up and keep doing what you are doing . It might not feel like it right now but its working!!!!
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    change it up!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Its probably water retention. You've started a new exercising program using some dormant muscles as well as more active muscles and they are retaining the water. Give it another week or two and your muscles will probably release. That happen to me when I started strength training. I was 206 for 3 whole weeks and then I went down to 201 and stayed there for about 2 weeks before it released again.