I'm tired of this



  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I'm not giving up. It's not even an option. I guess what I want is some time off from this. The brutal thing is, I can't have any time off, I know it will set me back.

    Thanks for all your suggestions. I lose less than 1/2 pound per week as it is, since I am close to my target weight. And I get the whole 'everything in moderation" but my reality is when I eat (even small portions) of bad foods, I either gain or stop losing. This is what happens when you get close to your target weight. There is an even smaller margin for error.

    I exercise a lot, I am currently doing Insanity in the mornings and also jog in the evenings about 4x week. I'm getting enough cals, and i am slowly losing, but whenver I fall off the MFP wagon for one or two days, (like this weekend, where I was staying at someone else's house) I lose the ground I've gained. And it takes four days of meticulous logging to get back on track. I just know, I'll get to my target weight, then I'll eat a cookie and explode.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Counting calories and weighing and measuring things is probably the most aggravating thing about trying to lose weight. I'd exercise all day every day (if I had the time) if it meant that I didn't have to stress out about the nutrient contents of everything I put in my mouth.

    It's times like your having that I tend to fall of the wagon and kudos to you for coming to the forums for support.

    Perhaps take a short break from the weighing and measuring and counting. Continue to make good food decisions and exercise.

    Also for the "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." people out there. Please with all due respect for love of my sanity knock it off. A good portion of us have NO idea what it's like to be skinny, we can imagine but that's not really good enough. A big ol cookie or brownie is instant gratification and most of us didn't get this way by saying no to instant satisfaction. It's a tough battle to say no to something you know will feel good right NOW instead of something that you imagine will feel good months or years down the road.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Also for the "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." people out there. Please with all due respect for love of my sanity knock it off. A good portion of us have NO idea what it's like to be skinny, we can imagine but that's not really good enough. A big ol cookie or brownie is instant gratification and most of us didn't get this way by saying no to instant satisfaction. It's a tough battle to say no to something you know will feel good right NOW instead of something that you imagine will feel good months or years down the road.

    I've been skinny. The cookie is better. :laugh:

    But it's best when you're strong and fit and eat well 90% of the time, so you can still enjoy the cookie when you really want it.
  • laceylovespink
    i had a big message wrote out but it has to be inside of you. none of us can change that. I am prefer to have the MFP mindset rather than missing out on life because I feel to fat and fogged out to do anything.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Counting calories and weighing and measuring things is probably the most aggravating thing about trying to lose weight. I'd exercise all day every day (if I had the time) if it meant that I didn't have to stress out about the nutrient contents of everything I put in my mouth.

    It's times like your having that I tend to fall of the wagon and kudos to you for coming to the forums for support.

    Perhaps take a short break from the weighing and measuring and counting. Continue to make good food decisions and exercise.

    Also for the "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." people out there. Please with all due respect for love of my sanity knock it off. A good portion of us have NO idea what it's like to be skinny, we can imagine but that's not really good enough. A big ol cookie or brownie is instant gratification and most of us didn't get this way by saying no to instant satisfaction. It's a tough battle to say no to something you know will feel good right NOW instead of something that you imagine will feel good months or years down the road.

    Yeah I ***king hate that stupid quote. I feel like it's the anorexic's mantra.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I can't really add anything more than what everyone has already said and they are all right. Just remember that you are NEVER the only one going through this. I can't tell you how many times I've moaned and *****ed on MFP about calorie counting and exercising. Actually, here, for a good laugh, read about my last ranting session...


    You started this on your own and that is something to be proud of. Like everyone had said, you have to give yourself a break from time to time. I only just learned that 6 months into this journey. Sometimes it takes people years to learn so I'm considering myself lucky it only took me six months. I used to stress out so much...to the point I'd get tummy aches and lose sleep over it...but for what? Just so I can lose 20lbs? Not worth it.

    Go out with your friends, enjoy your meals. Don't stuff yourself, eat until you are both physically and mentally satisfied. Love yourself and be happy with whatever decision you make. One or two days is not going to ruin your progress. Don't give up =)
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I am so with you here. The constant stress of watching what I eat is making me insane.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I've been skinny. The cookie is better. :laugh:

    But it's best when you're strong and fit and eat well 90% of the time, so you can still enjoy the cookie when you really want it.

    ^^ THIS!!

    As I told my father-in-law after I took time out to use the treadmill at the hotel this weekend "I work out so I can drink beer". :laugh:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    So the 'weight'; I gained over teh weekend is slowly coming back off...as I knew it would.... now the challenge is to stick to my guns and keep the scale going down.

    My friend that I was supposed to have dinner with tonight cancelled on me, although I'm sorry not to see him, my waistline is kinda glad I don't have to eat out tonight :)
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    This is just a lifestyle decision. Making better choices about what you take in and put out. The numbers don't mean anything. Once you get into the groove and are aware it doesn't matter if your number goes up and down. You will regulate your healthy lifestyle as a matter of habit.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    This is just a lifestyle decision. Making better choices about what you take in and put out. The numbers don't mean anything. Once you get into the groove and are aware it doesn't matter if your number goes up and down. You will regulate your healthy lifestyle as a matter of habit.

    Thanks, but I'm tired of the "lifestyle" mantra too. I have a healthy lifestyle already. I eat tonnes of fruit and veg, I exercise every day and I enjoy doing all of that. The few pounds I have left to lose are vanity pounds. I want to see some abs and that doesn't happen without being very meticulous about logging. The numbers DO matter.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thanks, but I'm tired of the "lifestyle" mantra too. I have a healthy lifestyle already. I eat tonnes of fruit and veg, I exercise every day and I enjoy doing all of that. The few pounds I have left to lose are vanity pounds. I want to see some abs and that doesn't happen without being very meticulous about logging. The numbers DO matter.

    I've been there before. At this point, you're close to your goal, right? Perhaps it's just time to revise that goal and decide to stay where you are. I know a lot of people here have realized that their ultimate goal weight just isn't sustainable for the long term. I personally would love to weigh 115 but I don't think I'd have the commitment to work out hard enough to maintain it. The last time I was at that weight I was doing karate for several hours 5 days a week and competing nationally. I don't have that kind of time, or energy, any more.

    What you really need to decide for yourself is whether or not seeing your abs is worth the time and effort it's going to cost you, long term. If you're already eating healthy, and plan to continue to do so with or without logging it, then maybe it's time to just eat and not worry about the calorie totals. I'd suggest continuing to step on the scale regularly to make sure you're keeping on track, but other than that you might just want to stop tracking things and see how that goes.

    Good luck, whatever your decision may be.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Thanks, but I'm tired of the "lifestyle" mantra too. I have a healthy lifestyle already. I eat tonnes of fruit and veg, I exercise every day and I enjoy doing all of that. The few pounds I have left to lose are vanity pounds. I want to see some abs and that doesn't happen without being very meticulous about logging. The numbers DO matter.

    I've been there before. At this point, you're close to your goal, right? Perhaps it's just time to revise that goal and decide to stay where you are. I know a lot of people here have realized that their ultimate goal weight just isn't sustainable for the long term. I personally would love to weigh 115 but I don't think I'd have the commitment to work out hard enough to maintain it. The last time I was at that weight I was doing karate for several hours 5 days a week and competing nationally. I don't have that kind of time, or energy, any more.

    What you really need to decide for yourself is whether or not seeing your abs is worth the time and effort it's going to cost you, long term. If you're already eating healthy, and plan to continue to do so with or without logging it, then maybe it's time to just eat and not worry about the calorie totals. I'd suggest continuing to step on the scale regularly to make sure you're keeping on track, but other than that you might just want to stop tracking things and see how that goes.

    Good luck, whatever your decision may be.

    Thanks for replying, but i'm not giving up just because it can be hard from time to time. My goal is completely realistic, I'm aiming at being where I was few years ago.

    BTW---- this is the MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT forum, not the 'MAYBE YOU SHOULD GIVE UP' forum
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hey I was just venting because I was having a frustrating day. That's all. It doesn't mean it's time to 'settle' for my current weight, or that I need a new 'healthy lifestyle' mindset.

    I love working out. I do it almost every day, sometimes twice a day.

    I love eating healthy food (I used to be a chef). Broccoli tastes good. Carrots taste good.

    I also love wearing a size 2
    and I will get back there.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Please don't give up! You just have to adjust your view of "normal." Is there really such a thing? Remember, this choice you've made to be a healthier person doesn't have an expiration date, it's a lifestyle change. You can't eat perfectly every day of your life. You just have to do it MOST of the time. Your always going to want to go out to dinner with friends, eat some ice cream and indulge every now and then. That is part of having a balanced and healthy life. As long as you are training your mind and body to make healthy choices more than unhealthy ones, you are on the right track. You've got this!!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    take a mental health break!
    don't be so hard on yourself.. you are doing great. don't give up :)

    just take a little time off if you need to.. a few days or a week if needed, sometimes we need a vacation from being "so perfect" :)

    you said yourself that you love healthy food... focus on that :) focus on the way you FEEL. and how hungry you are and you will be ok :)

    good luck to you! :)
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Honestly, that's what I like about this. I am hoping that eventually I won't need MFP and won't need to track my calories all day every day I will have enough information stored up that I will have an idea of how much I can eat of what.

    If you educate yourself it will be a lot easier in the future to be smart about what you eat. If you go over/under a bit there is nothing wrong with that. Just think that all of this time now will make things easier for you in the future!