Has anyone tried this diet? I have been told it works and seen that it works. The only problem i have is that it seems to be similar to the south beach diet. I also worry about the healthyness after reading everything it seems like its going to be quite some time of only protein and veges. Any advice or experience would be extremely helpful.

Thank you,


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    You ppl and your diets. I've never heard of the Dunkan diet. However, I know that you don't need to go on a diet that is goin to restrick what you eat. That type of diet you can't live off of for the rest of your life. You need to understand what a sensible diet consist of. It's about eating smaller portions and eating 5 to 6 times a day that way you don't have to feel hungry all of the time. It's about eatin in moderation. Meaning if you want pizza eat a slice of pizza not an entire large pizza. You should never have to follow a quideline of rules of what you can and can not eat. However, if you are the type of person who can go all out and strick and follow a strick diet then GREAT. I honor you. I wish that I could say I will never put junk into my mouth again and be okay with that. But there a few ppl that are strick. So to each their own. However, I'd never recommend goin on a diet that you can't stick to in the long run.

    Btw: I've lost 85lbs and have kept it off for almost 2 years. It'll be 2 years in Sept. I never once deprieved myself. I just looked @ how I was eating which made me cut back on eating and added exercise to the mix of things.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    It is extremely unhealthy. Its like a less healthy and extreme version of the atkins diet. And we all know how everyone feels about that diet....

    Any diet that cuts whole food groups out of your life, is not a lifetime way of eating, and therefore wont give you life time results...

    Just stick with eating healthy and you will get great results.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Has anyone tried this diet? I have been told it works and seen that it works. The only problem i have is that it seems to be similar to the south beach diet. I also worry about the healthyness after reading everything it seems like its going to be quite some time of only protein and veges. Any advice or experience would be extremely helpful.

    Thank you,

    It is/can be a very long time of only lean protein and veggies. I've read that it isn't healthy for your kidneys, but I have no medical epxerience or education. Eventually all foods are included back in to the diet, but you have to be willing to give up a lot for a long time. I think that it works the same way Atkins did (except it cuts out a lot of the fat and sodium), that is, that when you eat only certain foods, you eat less so your calories are very restricted and you lose weight.

    Obviously it worked for Kate, but I think everyone has to decide for himself/herself whether to just restrict calories or try a more restrictive diet.
  • Suze130
    Suze130 Posts: 7
    Made it through the first week (barely) and ditched it - found it sooo hard. The first week is all/only protein. Tough way to lose weight IMO.

    Good luck - keep us posted. I'd love to hear that someone was successful.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    It was on the British Dietetic Association's list of the top 5 worst diets of 2011. That to me is a big warning sign.

    I've done Atkins in the past, and had a lot of success with it. It is possible to eat low carb without eating lots of sodium and fat, you just eat a lot of low carb veggies and greens. Eating only protein, as you'd do following Dukan, for even a short period of time can't be good for your liver or kidneys. Plus, I'd go crazy.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    Bought the book for my Kindle. Tried it for about 3 days and then gave up. Can't be healthy. I only bought it because I heard this is when Princess Kate used to slim down (not that she needed it, mind you) Can't see the benefit. It's low carb (which I love) but it's low everything else, too. No fun.