I'm new

Wissink Posts: 5 Member
I am new to this site--but old to so many others. I just don't know why I can't seem to succeed at this. I want it--but I don't do it. I am hoping that for once I can do what needs to be done and get rid of at least 1/2 of me, because that is what needs to go. I get so depressed before I even start, because it seems so hopeless. Why will this work when all the others haven't? But, I am going to try to develop a better attitude and get this thing going!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member

    Baby steps.

    Don't try to do it all at once.

    This week, focus on drinking all the water you are supposed to drink. Easy, right?

    Next week, you will have figured out how to use this site, so next week, Log Every Bite That Goes In Your Mouth. . . and drink your water. Easy, right?

    If you like having support, maybe start trying to find a group here to join, that will help you when you need it. If you don't like groups (I don't) then just spend time here reading.

    Good luck. This is Your Time!!!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    you can do it Mary,

    so many of us on here have the same feelings, I often have bad days where I just want to binge on all the food I get a hold of. After I have those days, I pick myself up, dust myself off (usually crumbs and what not) and get back at er'. I don't reply much on the site, but I do read a lot of posts, and there is almost always someone in the exact same boat as me. There is so much motivation here everyone is on your side helping out with words of encouragment. So good luck, the road may look long now, but time flys and better to look back and say "remember when I was so worried? it was a piece of cake!!!" I have 100+ lbs to lose, just starting out...if you need some encouragment feel free to add me as a friend!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    you can do it Mary,

    so many of us on here have the same feelings, I often have bad days where I just want to binge on all the food I get a hold of. After I have those days, I pick myself up, dust myself off (usually crumbs and what not) and get back at er'. I don't reply much on the site, but I do read a lot of posts, and there is almost always someone in the exact same boat as me. There is so much motivation here everyone is on your side helping out with words of encouragment. So good luck, the road may look long now, but time flys and better to look back and say "remember when I was so worried? it was a piece of cake!!!" I have 100+ lbs to lose, just starting out...if you need some encouragment feel free to add me as a friend!