I'm new

Wissink Posts: 5 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this site--but old to so many others. I just don't know why I can't seem to succeed at this. I want it--but I don't do it. I am hoping that for once I can do what needs to be done and get rid of at least 1/2 of me, because that is what needs to go. I get so depressed before I even start, because it seems so hopeless. Why will this work when all the others haven't? But, I am going to try to develop a better attitude and get this thing going!


  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    Look at it as one day at a time. Big changes are very very hard, that's why a lot of people fail - I've failed a few times myself! It takes superwoman to change all unhealthy habits into positive ones in a short space of time. "Quick fixes" only leave you hungry, missing your favourite banned foods, craving constantly, and then falling off the wagon. Think of it as a lifestyle change, change small things, and don't beat yourself up if you have bad days. MFP is very friendly and supportive :smile:
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    I have some recommendations.

    1) Fill out your user profile and add some pictures of yourself. The thing that makes MFP different is PEOPLE! Let us get to know you. Start making some pals and keep up with them, let them keep up with you. Open your diary for them and don't be afraid to ask for advice.

    2) Spend some time reading other people's blogs and posts, and make sure you read a lot of the Success Stories forum. There are people JUST LIKE YOU over there who have succeeded and from whom you can draw inspiration.

    3) Get a calorie count book and learn the calorie count of every thing you eat. Read the labels of everything you eat.

    4) Record everything you eat as soon as possible after you eat it. Get into this habit until it becomes second nature. Do it for 90 days straight. If you don't have a smart phone or can't get to the internet quickly, write it down on a piece of paper so you can enter it later. Don't miss a day, meal, snack, or a bite.

    All the best!
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