Does anyone else splurge on weekends??



  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    If you want to consume that much water, you might want to not drink plain water and switch to iced tea.

    I did a write up on ice tea makers in the Food forum.

    Hope that helps.
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    i have tried to count on the weekends but it never works out. So I just try to have a little sense about what i consume. I figure if I'm good 5/7 (71%) of the time I'll be ok. I have over 100lbs to lose so I may have to change more bad habits as I go along but its working right now. As far as water, I count anything that is zero cal and isnt caffienated as water. (caffiene is a diuretic)
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    hahaha omg! every weekend, i try to keep it as good as possible on saturdays, but come sunday, thats always my day to just eat watever and not have to worry about it, i think u need one of those days to keep ur sanity,, i dont go CRAZY, but i eat wat i want.. i dont worry about anything! i dont eat 25 cookies 17 donuts and fet alfredo i just dont do my super clean, all chicken, veggies, protein diet lol.. i still try to be SEMI self conscious lol...if that helps at all and usually come monday i feel ready to start monday and ready to workout, and usually skinnier! helps get ur metabolism going again its like a shock!... works for me, do wat works for u

    theres nothing fun about water... just drink it bc its good for u LOL
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No, but only because I exercise a lot at weekends.
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Have you only lost the 3 lbs since January? If you're only splurging on the weekends, then maybe you're not doing something right during the week. I know people lose weight differently, and I'm not trying to brag, but be able to relate to you, I've lost 8 lbs in 7 weeks and I am not strict with my diet on the weekends and I don't exercise then either, unless it's an outdoor activity. As for your water, buy some Crystal Light on-the-go packets and add them to your water. They're about 10 calories per packet. Or you can add some fruit, lemon or lime to your water. Try going back into your food diaries and pay attention to certain patterns and maybe foods you should omit. Good luck!

    Hey No I have lost over 20 pounds since january I just started my fitness pal a few weeks ago so far I have lost 3 pounds. But thank you for the tips hun!! I think I will try adding fruit to my water.
  • aarynisabee
    Yes! haha, this usually happens to me. I don't really overeat, but I do eat things that I would never eat during my work week and this causes me to go over my calorie "budget"(no good). I think the best way to control this and still have a life is for me to think about the choices I make. If I go out to eat (which is a regular occurrence during my weekend) I try to choose healthier menu items. It’s also important for me to try and squeeze in a work out or two… I found that Jillian Michaels 30-day shred is amazing! Plus it’s only 20 min. long, so there is really no excuse for me to NOT do it. Good Luck, and remember the sacrifices you’re making now will be totally worth it! :happy:
  • Wolffeathers
    I normally do it on Fridays. I go out to eat with my Great Grandparents, and it's normally fast food, so not to much I can do there, but not eat and make them feel like crap.

    That, and the "healthy" food at fast food places normally taste like crap.
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    I don't "splurge" per say on the weekends..... but I DO eat back more of my exercise calories, by having
    a treat or two like ice cream or chocolate. I don't go over my calories, but I don't eat "diet" food either!!
    I have to have my ice cream, especially in the summertime, or I'll go insane!!! :wink:
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    I don't "splurge" per say on the weekends..... but I DO eat back more of my exercise calories, by having
    a treat or two like ice cream or chocolate. I don't go over my calories, but I don't eat "diet" food either!!
    I have to have my ice cream, especially in the summertime, or I'll go insane!!! :wink:
  • lins_crafters
    I tend to splurge on weekends too. But my biggest downfall is Monday morning. For some reason I feel like just because I got myself up out of bed on a Monday I need one of those large, more sugar and calories than some desserts, caramel mocha coffees from the coffee shop accross the street from my office. I try to pass it up but it seems every Monday I end up standing in line Jonesin for my fix....
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    this link is one I found regarding what is counted as water consumption. It is too long to copy but you can go look at it..
    In summary only plain water is supposed to count as water consumption.. I had heard this before but couldnt remember where. This is not the place I remember but it does discuss it.

    I hated water also but have learned to drink it and now I dont drink anything but!

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  • Fraileya19
    Fraileya19 Posts: 42
    I am in the same boat. Come FRIDAY I am splurging. I spoke to my bf last night and told him we can no longer do that. Only ONCE a week. I hate the weekends because of it. I do so well during the week and blow it in two days.
  • cns1008
    cns1008 Posts: 2 Member
    I started a plan that allows you to splurge every 5 days, followed by a very low cal fast day, this seems to work very well. Also when I say splurge that doesn't mean eating a 1/2 gal of ice cream, but having a burger, some pizza, or something that is not "diet" food is definitely acceptable and it is easier to stick to the plan knowing you dont have to eat grilled chicken and veggies forever (ick!)

    As for the water I have grown to like it over time but I used to add lime or I would fill a large pitcher of water and put in the fridge with cucumber, strawberries, or another fruit flavor you enjoy and let it chill over night to give it yummy flavor without artifical flavors or sugar. If you measure it out you can be sure that if you finish the pitcher, you have had your water for the day. I actually target almost a gallon of water per day and it really does make you feel a lot better over all once you get over the hating water hump. :happy:

    Hope that helps and enjoy!!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    This has been a hot topic lately around here. I treat Sat/Sun the same I do Mon-Fri, except I don't work out on Sunday. If I'm having higer calorie meal, I plan so it fits into my daily intake. I weigh in on Sundays, so if I mess up bad on Fri/Sat its gonna show.

    This has to be a lifestyle change you can live with. Not some "diet" that ends in x amt of pounds. I guess I don't see the point in working as hard as I have and changing my eating habits just to turn around and mess it up.

    As for the water I either drink powerade zero (usally 1 24 oz bottle a day) , just plain water, and then water with MIO. MIO has 0 calories, no bad gritty aftertaste and comes in different flavors. I went from drinking about 5 glass a day to 9+ a helped with weight loss too :)
  • bemoore81
    bemoore81 Posts: 18
    yes I almost dread the weekends I start out with good intentions but then I let let things get in the way no ones fault but my own I know I could do better with my weight loss if I were strict with myself on weekends , I bought a bike this week and got out Sunday and rode it , really enjoyed doing that
  • Tams297
    Tams297 Posts: 15
    yeah i have been splurging at the weekends. It's frustrating me a bit though because i do think that maybe i should but it down to one of the weekend days and not Friday Saturday and Sunday as i am not loosing weight as quickly as i hoped i would at fist.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    I used to "splurge" on the weekends but not anymore bc my weight loss is so much better when I am consistent. I may not eat the greatest foods on the weekend but I always stick to my calorie goal. I am trying to do better on that and eat the very same way on weekends as I do on weekdays so that I can truly make this a lifestyle change.