New guy here and kind of lost

Opusarlo Posts: 53
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, my name is Arlo, and I am a car salesman from Grand Rapids Michigan. I am not sure how it all came about but I have been on a serious health kick and fitness program since about 6-1-11. I stopped all my bad activities...well almost all...and am running around produce departments looking for brocolli and lettuce and all sorts of things that you can't find by the frozen pizzas. I never knew my grocery store carried so many other things than pizza and hot pockets. Well I am learning this site and I would like some friends on here to talk to when I get on to update. You know, some people to help out who will also support me. For starters - somehow I have a lady-bug on my weight meter. I assure you I did not opt for a lady bug there but I am afraid to change it now cuz next time I might get something like a flower...grrr. Really I am a laid back guy who really wants to make a better life for me and my family. I am sick of it all...sweating...ugly pants...sweating...even more ugly pants...

takers? Add me if you would like. I am on quite a bit and I am mobile as well although I am not sure you can corrospond through moile.


  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    This made me laugh! Nothing wrong with ladybugs and flowers are even better! Not sure if they have anything more macho to replace the ladybug with, but it never hurts to look. Good luck on your weight loss journey and drink lots of water! :smile: Oh, and welcome to MFP...Im a newbie as well.
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