Not sure if I put this in the right forum category, but it is "exercise" related.

Anyone out there run with their pooches? what breed, distance, speed, etc. I'd love to hear the details. (pics are cool too).


  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    During the wintertime, I've done 10+ mile runs with my pit bull, but it's just too hot nowadays, plus, she doesn't have much of a base anymore. I would like to gradually build her back up because she loves running!

    Edit: my avatar is said doggie
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    I run with my 1 year old Male Boxer at night. He is very energetic so it provides him with much needed exercise and he provides me with a sense of security.
    Sometimes he gets overly excited and will turn towards me and try to take the leash, but for the most part he just goes along for the ride at my pace and checks out the scenery. I most appreciate that he will let me know when he sees or hears a car or person because I have my ipod on and dont necessarily hear whats going on around me.
    I am at work and cant post a picture in the narrative so my profile pic is him. "Champ" Ian Lake

  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I can run 2-3 miles with my King Charles Cavalier. He is a little out of shape lately though.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I can run 2-3 miles with my King Charles Cavalier. He is a little out of shape lately though.

  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I've run with my pitbull before. Can't specify distance or pace because I never tracked that. I have a pic of her in my profile though :)
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    This is Khali.. she is a Puggle... she only runs when there is something in it for her... like she sees a bunny and wants to chase it.. or she sees another dog and wants to attack it... or she realizes she is off the leash and therefore the walk will only end when she gets caught. If I try to run WITH her... she gives it a good effort for about 2 minutes and then realizes she is missing all of the good sniffs and stops. Good thing I'm not much of a runner either :-P

  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Never seen a Cav as a running partner before. So cool.

    Oh, I think you need to use lower case letters in the image code "img", not "IMG".
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Puggles crack me up! We run a dog training & boarding business, and the same Puggle has been coming 3 days a week for daycare for the past 4 years. Perpetual puppies, and so much personality! Love em!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I bike with my 3 year old mutt (roughly looks like a cross between a dalmation & a husky, about 75-80 lbs) I can't run fast enough or long enough to properly tire him out but a 20-30 minute bike ride does the trick quite nicely :)
  • KassiV
    KassiV Posts: 28
    Sometimes I'll take my 3 year old basset on a 5k if I'm just going for fun, not for time. He likes to walk most of the way in the back of the crowd. He never leaves anyone behind! :)
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    lol... that's great. Bassets are such cool dogs, and always draw a crowd. I can't say I've ever seen one at a race though. :-D
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Sometimes I'll take my 3 year old basset on a 5k if I'm just going for fun, not for time. He likes to walk most of the way in the back of the crowd. He never leaves anyone behind! :)

    aw what a noble dog! My old dog (whom we just recently lost) was a herder, she always wanted to be at the front of the pack, but got very upset if anyone from her pack stepped out of line, and if given free rain of the 16ft flexilead she would frequently herd other people into her pack. I had a couple of girls once get a bit upset that Sophie kept barking and blocking their path when they tried to turn around and walk back to the trailhead while hiking once!
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    My basset loves to run but tires herself out really fast! It's up to her when we are done running/walking! She will put the brakes on when she has had enough ;)
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Never seen a Cav as a running partner before. So cool.

    Oh, I think you need to use lower case letters in the image code "img", not "IMG".

    hmmm let see if this works


    Yeah, he loves it! He actually gets frustrated because I don't go fast enough for him sometimes. We started when he was young. We do get people stopping us offering him water. They think I am torturing him or something..
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Never seen a Cav as a running partner before. So cool.

    Oh, I think you need to use lower case letters in the image code "img", not "IMG".

    hmmm let see if this works


    Yeah, he loves it! He actually gets frustrated because I don't go fast enough for him sometimes. We started when he was young. We do get people stopping us offering him water. They think I am torturing him or something..

    love cavaliers, one of my favorite breeds though i can never have one.

    my three dogs are all yorkies, so running with them not sure would work , maybe maggie at at slow run
  • tranmann87
    I try to run with my neighbor's portuguese water dog. She definitely can kepe up but she tries to chase after the wildlife which can be annoying. If I'm timing myself for anything I don't take her.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Puggles crack me up! We run a dog training & boarding business, and the same Puggle has been coming 3 days a week for daycare for the past 4 years. Perpetual puppies, and so much personality! Love em!

    LOL they sure are.. puppies forever! She's got two totally different personalities... super snuggly like a pug but absolutely out of control like a beagle! She is obsessed with the mini tennis balls and even if she's dead asleep.. if you pick one up and throw it she HAS to go get it.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Our poochie smudge is a parsons terrier and I've taken him for several jogs! He's absolutely perfect..he stays by the side of me, without a lead and could do several more miles than me. I'm puffing and sweating and he's looking for me to throw something. If I could relate him to a person, he would be a super athlete! Seriously, the vets cannot get over his muscle definition :laugh:

    We have just rehomed a chocolate labrador and she is a little on the heavy side...and too big to take jogging even if she were a perfect size!

    Lovely doggies here! :wink:

    Here is smudge and me (20lbs heavier last year) after climbing the highest mountain in south wales! Excuse the hair :laugh:


  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    The few Parsons Russells I've met were impressively muscular! I would've kept either of them. I've got 7 dogs of my own, ranging from 6 lbs to 80lbs, and I still think a 30 -40 pounder is the ideal size for all situations! I think my next dog will be a Parsons or JRT. Thanks for posting the great pics.
  • aaddaammggoolleeaaffss
    Not runs but I try to go roller blading with my dogs a few times a week, I have a golden retriever and a golden retriever/border collie mix and they love to run!