Eating Habits? (How to eat Healthy)



  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    @dixiedavidson I recently purchased the Jillian Michaels Natural Whey protein powder shake deal. i know that consuming that is probably the only way i will get my protein intake for the day. I just dont care for meat too much.
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Definitely switch your white bread to whole wheat. Also for your snacks both the cherries and the fritos are just carbs, or carbs with unhealthy fats. You really need to add some protein and healthy fats in with the carbs to seal the deal. Protein doesn't have to be meat, try cheese, or any nut butter, greek yogurt, beans or bean dip. And for healthy fats, nuts are great!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Looking at what you posted there is a serious lack of green veg in there and too much processed food. Processed foods add sodium and sugar to your diet. sugar cravings will also make you feel hungry when you are not. Refined sugars and flours such as those found in white bread should be swapped for whole grains whenever possible. Please don no confuse whole grains for multi-grains. They are not the same. You want whole grains. Green veg fills you up, gives you vitamin & nutrients and also help you digest food.

    My diary is public, feel free to take a peek. I am vegetarian, but everything I eat can be served as a side dish along side a lean cut of meat or fish.

    A good blog to follow is Black Girl's Guide to Weight Loss. Her tips are for people of all races, she started writing based on her own experiences.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am in love with fat free greek yogurt. Fat free with 20 grams of protein, so it really fills me up. It does have some sugars though, each brand is a little different. I buy mine from a local farmers market. #addicted

    I like yogurt a lot, but realized that little 4-6oz has too much carbs sugar. But i havent tried the greek type..So i will def. check it out! Thanks!
    You buy plain 0% greek yogurt then add your own fruit, granola or whatever you like. You control the sugar and greek yogurt has more protein in it. FAGE or Chobani are 2 good brands

    Also I buy the loose almonds or walnuts from the bulk section at Whole Foods. I sort the almonds into those little ziploc snack bags, 10-20 is a serving. I keep them at home and in my car.keeps me from hitting a drive thru if I;m out and get hungry. I also sometimes add a few dried cranberries. I use the walnuts as an add on for my salads.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I am curious to see how you all are eating? As in, I cannot for the life of me figure out whats good for me to eat to one fill me up, but not have so much sugar and carbs and all the stuff I should not have. So, I am looking for tips. Heres what I had today so far. I feel like im starving right now! I work a 11a-9pm Shift and I am trying to train my body how and when to eat.. Its jut not working so great. The time is now 6:24pm.

    Take a look at what ive eaten thus far today. Commentary is great!

    BREAKFAST: (10am)
    1 Cup Honey Bunches of Oats
    ½ cup Horizon organic fat free 2% milk.

    Snack 1: 25 Cherries (1:20pm)
    Lunch: (3pm)
    Mrs. Baird's - Split Top White Bread, 2 slice
    Boar's Head - Deli Sliced Mesquite Smoked Turkey, 2 oz
    Boar's Head - Baby Swiss Cheese, 1 oz
    Green granny smith apple
    Romaine lettuce 3 ½ cups and Kraft seven seas viva Italian dressing

    Snack 2: (5:30pm)
    Frito Lay Corn Chips Snack Bag 1oz

    Dinner: (7pm)
    Lean Cuisine - Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry
    1 Green Apple

    Heres a little bio .. Im 23.. Work out 4-5 times a week 45mins of cardio (30—Elliptical 15—Treadmill) I do about 200 crunches a night. Hmmm Im 6ft and weigh 300 at this time. Really looking for any ideas with food.. I used to be a fast food junkie.. So eating in is new…and Im kinda lost as to what to eat!

    It sounds like you are doing really well!

    I would recommend cooking dinners unless I suppose you really hate cooking... I love for recipes and new things to try.

    I also think certain replacements would add variety-- Sara Lee makes a whole wheat bread that is 45 cals a slice. Almond milk is a great milk replacement-- 40-90 cals for a full 8 oz and tastes soooo yummy. Cereal is pretty high cals and has really small serving sizes-- like 1/2 a cup. I try to do an egg white omlette with veggies or fat free cottage cheese in the AM. Other good and / or protein filled snacks: 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (80 cal), strawberries (very, very low in cal so you can fill up), any veggie, 17-19 mini pretzel twists (100 cal). There are also a good selection of lower fat cheeses that are calorie light as well.

    Good job and good luck!
  • Charlo8
    Charlo8 Posts: 9
    Are you drinking lots of water throughout the day? It might help fight that hungry feeling you have sometimes plus you want to keep your body hydrated.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you for all your comments!
    @milaxx I will def. check out your profiles. I actually have been looking at different peoples and kind of taking and leaving off somethings. I was eating a lot of processed foods until I got a handle on what I was really going to eat. I am not a fan on meat per say. If i do eat meat its lean ground beef or boneless chicken. I will say i have tweaked my eatings so far. I havent eaten out in over a week. for me that is HUGE because I used to eat out 2-3 times a day. I think that is one of the real reasons why ive lost weight this week. But heres a sample of my meal for today.

    For breakfast I had 1/2 cup of cooked old fashioned grits mixed with lean 93% 7% beef. I also had half a cup of seedless red grapes.

    For a snack I had soy beans and a jillian michaels natural whey protein shake (yuck if you only add water!)

    For lunch I ate a medium sized romaine and broccoli florrets salad with grilled boneless chicken strips with red wine and vinegar salad dressings.

    For dinner I plan on having chicken breast, green beans, and broccoli.

    I only drink water, nothing else, and i consume about 80-100 ounces a day. I was told once upon a time that I am supposed to drink half my body weight in water. Now if i weighed 200 pounds that would be very do able.. but i dont lol

    I will say since I have upped my protein I have not been hungry and i have been taking vitamins too so I feel pretty decent.

    In one week I have upped my protein intake from about 20g to like 97g. Im not sure how much protein I am really supposed to have but hey I know that 20ish isnt enough. If you all have any more suggestions feel free to continue to post and send messages, its greatly appreciated!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I keep a blog with pics of my food.
    I eat fairly low carb and I'm incorporating protein shakes for now.
    You're more than welcome to take a peek at it to see if there's anything there you can use for ideas for meals.

    I eat more fat than most people who are trying to lose weight so you can adjust the amounts to suit your own level of comfort.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    @ katschi Thank you! honestly.. I am trying to learn how to cook. I dont eat meat so much because I just dont know how to cook it. I made some chicken the other day..and when I say its horrible.. Trust me.. its bad! So, I usually stick to side orders type of deals. Sad, but oh so true. Ill be sure to check you that website!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Check out the blog. She did a 3 part series today on calorie counting that''s breaks it down clearer than I have ever seen before. She also post recipes on occasion. As to water drinking there are several schools of thought. One says 3 -8 8oz glasses a day and another says half your body weight in ounces a day.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Check out the blog. She did a 3 part series today on calorie counting that''s breaks it down clearer than I have ever seen before. She also post recipes on occasion. As to water drinking there are several schools of thought. One says 3 -8 8oz glasses a day and another says half your body weight in ounces a day.

    You were really right! I checked out the website.. Its pretty great!