frustrated with tummy bulge



  • mmmruff
    mmmruff Posts: 1
    Had this problem. Had a colonic. Don't have the problem anymore. I was nervous/weirded out about it before I went, but it totally changed everything in my abs area. Before, I would have to "suck in" and everything would look good. After, it was just naturally that way. I don't know. I think it's worth trying. Once you do it, it's actually no biggie.
  • kathleenmaddox5
    Ok there could be a few things that are doing that to you.
    Obviously your diet could be bloating you through out the day.
    Lactose intolerance could also be playing a role in it. Try soy milk.
    You may also try to eat yogart like activia once a day because it could be just as simple as you need more good probiotics in your system. If you don't like yogart you can buy probiotic at any natural food store. DO not get them at wal-mart. and make sure to get ones that you have to keep in the fridge because they are better. (from experience)
    Keeping your bowels regular is a key and watching your sodium intake. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a lot of fresh veggies (not canned) you can use frozen if you want ...
    Hope this helps!