Been a while

kmphoto Posts: 7 Member
It has been a while since I journalled. I kinda been falling off the wagon on the weekends but then getting right back on during the week. I have been doing my yoga twice a week and eating around my calorie intake. YAY, me. I had a huge downfall for about 4 days on memorial day weekend, but thanks to the peeps here I was motivated to start again. So, I am at it again. I am still holding out on weighing myself. I figure if I can't be self disciplined to not weigh my self I have no fighting chance on discipline for food and exersize. But, so far I have waited! Two more weeks whoo hooo! Seems like forever and I am terrified that the scale won't move in the downward direction. I am also so prod of myself for fighting through some very tough situations in my personal life and not finding comfort in food. Alcohol maybe, just kidding. The drinks I love are what is putting me over my calories, so I have been trying to stay away! I firmly believe that things happen for a reason and am wondering if having to go back to a full time job was a way to jump start my healthiness and the reason for having to go back. I was working for myself as a wedding photographer for three years but hit a rough spot and had to go back to 9-5 job, booo. That has been super rough and super emotional. Still trying to fight trough it and continue my photography business, so keep your fingers crossed for me. I have some major ups and downs, but somehow still sticking to the new life plan of healthiness including making myself go to yoga after an emotional breakdown on the way home from work to yoga, lol. That was not fun nor a good yoga class, lol. But I am trying to make changes in my life for the better in so many ways. I keep saying that 2012 is the year for a successful photography business and a thinner me. But, honestly I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel for either. However, I will keep fighting til I crash or die, lol, but hopefully I will reach my goals of a thinner me and a successful wedding photographer! aaahhhh...the dream.