Plateau After Gastric Bypass

My name is Gabriela and i had Gastric Bypass April 2009. When i went in for surgery i was 420lbs and i am currently about 223lbsmy lowest was 206lbs. I am still considered obese and slipped back into my munching and fast food habits again but im getting back on track stating today. Can anyone else relate? i would love some advice, i am unable to make it to my meetings because of work...any input is greatly appreciated!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!


  • alannablue
    alannablue Posts: 13
    I had gastric 4 years ago. I was 332 going in, got down to 160, and am now 190. I stopped working out 1.5 years ago, and not being so discriminating about what I ate... But I do not want to be heavy again, so I'm using this tool to get back on track. :)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I have never had surgery so I can't relate there, but slipping back to old habits I can relate to.
    The only advice I can give is
    1. Be in control of what you eat, no matter what. No one can force feed you.
    2. Be in control of your exercise. No one can do it for you and even when you don't feel like it, DO IT ANYWAYS. You will feel better for it!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    I had gastric bypass in December 2004. My highest weight was 330 lowest was 174. I went thru some health set backs....iron deficiency, protein deficiency, vitamin d deficiency and then two knee replacements and spinal surgery. My weight went back up to 201. I recommitted myself to getting healthy last year and have been working with a personal trainer and a health coach to get myself back on track without hurting myself. Right now I am weighing 184. It has been so hard to re-lose the weight that I had gained. I am still hopeful of getting down to my goal weight of 150...and when that happens I am going to work on getting to 140.

    It is a constant battle and committment to eat healthy and exercise. I still use food to stuff my feelings down. But now I realize that I do it....and so I am trying to express my thoughts and feelings as I feel them and not bottle them up.